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HomeTeleworkWhat types of jobs can companies enable for work-from-home? Explains the benefits...

What types of jobs can companies enable for work-from-home? Explains the benefits of using home workers and the work that is difficult to proceed

Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, home work and remote work are attracting attention. It seems that not only housewives but also office workers who have started working from home as a side job are increasing. In line with this, companies are increasingly using home workers. It seems that there are many people in charge who are thinking about how to utilize external human resources such as home workers in the future. As long as there are no physical restrictions, working from home is basically possible in any occupation, but there are occupations that are more suitable for working from home. In this article, we will explain the types of home work jobs that companies can easily outsource, and the work that is difficult to proceed.

Table of contents

Types of jobs you can work from home

With the spread of the Internet, it has become easier to open a business from home as long as you have an Internet environment and a computer. Many jobs that allow desk work can also be done at home, but those that can be completed by one person or have deliverables are more suitable for home work. Let’s take a closer look at what types of jobs there are.

data entry

Data entry and transcription are arguably the most suitable jobs for working from home. This is one of the most popular work from home jobs. It is the work of entering data and numbers written on paper into a format, and converting voice data such as interviews and meetings into text. Anyone who can type can do it, so there are no barriers, and you can easily place an order through crowdsourcing. There are many housewives who make effective use of housework and childcare, and there are many performance-based jobs.


AI translation has become quite popular, but the demand for translation is not small because business requires accurate translation. We have a wide range of content, including translation of corporate documents and blogs that are operated. As long as you have the ability to speak a foreign language and have the environment to receive and deliver data, you can start working right away, so this job is very suitable for working from home. Projects that require specialized knowledge such as medical and financial tend to be expensive.

Customer support

You don’t have to be in the office because you can respond to customer inquiries by email or phone. For this reason, customer support can be said to be a job that is easy to work from home. The number of business owners who use home secretaries is increasing, and it is expected that customer support work will switch from working in the office to working from home in the future. There are cases where contracts are made directly with companies and cases where crowdsourcing is used.

IT engineer

IT engineers can work anywhere as long as they have a computer and skills. The demand for programmers is very high, so the unit price is high among home work. There are many programmers who open their own business at home and have direct contracts with companies, and it is expected that the number of programmers who choose to work from home will continue to increase in the future. In addition to system and application development, there is also demand for maintenance.


The work of a designer has a strong element of individuality, and it can be said that it is one of the jobs that are suitable for home work because it is possible to separate the design process only, and because it is easy to evaluate because there is a clear deliverable. . There are a lot of meetings and hearings with clients, but if you use chat or video conferencing systems, you should be able to do it without problems. Crowdsourcing projects are also common.

web writer

Web writer work is one of the jobs that is easy to work from home because it is mainly research on the web, unlike the case of paper media. There are things that can be tackled from inexperienced people, and there are things that require a high level of expertise, and fields such as real estate and medical care tend to have high unit prices. Nowadays, more and more companies are creating their own media, and more and more companies are directly requesting work from home workers.

Web marketer

Most of the work in web marketing that considers strategies for companies to make profits is research and analysis, and it can be said that it is suitable for home work. Various communication tools are effective for meetings with clients and internal and external personnel.


Consultants do not need to work full-time at a company and can work from home for tasks such as analysis. However, it is a premise that you need trust and achievements and can produce results properly. If you use a video conferencing system, you can also consult with management. It can also be said that it is compatible with home work because it is easy to measure results.

Types of jobs that make it difficult to work from home

There are many types of work that can be done from home, but there are also jobs that are difficult to work from home. I will explain what kind of work is difficult to entrust to home workers.

Work with confidential information

Information leakage incidents are often featured in the news, and although many home workers perform work on their behalf with strict risk management, it can be said that sharing confidential information still carries the risk of external leakage. When handling the personal information of customers and employees, it is necessary to have a thorough discussion in advance with the home worker about what rules to apply.

a job with a special way of proceeding

When asking home workers to do work that requires special procedures instead of general procedures, it is often the case that they are reluctant to respond. Even if they did, it would take time to respond to inquiries and provide training. When outsourcing work to home workers, it is necessary to follow work procedures that can be standardized as much as possible, and to fully understand in advance what kind of work is appropriate.

A job where you want to accumulate know-how

If you outsource work to home workers, the know-how that should remain in your company will not be accumulated. It can also affect the company’s growth. By having the person in charge of the company regularly participate in the work and hold meetings, not only can know-how be accumulated in the company, but it will also be easier to communicate with the home worker. If you want to do your own business in the future, of course you need to be involved. Also, consider that home workers will not be able to continue working, so try to avoid throwing them all.

Benefits of using home workers

What are the benefits of working from home? There are many advantages, but let’s break them down into three categories.

If you are considering introducing telecommuting at your company, the following articles may be helpful.

I can concentrate on my main business

Companies have limited resources, and it is important to focus money and human resources on what is really needed. By utilizing home workers, some operations can be outsourced, and free man-hours can be used to focus on operations that require more creativity, medium- to long-term planning, and core operations of the company. It is known that the better a company does outsourcing, the higher the profit per employee.

have specialized know-how

Work that requires specialized know-how or work that is constantly changing with the times is more efficient to use home workers. There are also home workers who have specialized knowledge that their company does not have and who can provide education and training for employees. It not only fills in the knowledge that is lacking in the company, but it is also possible that new ideas that could not have been born among employees can be born. Since it takes a lot of time to develop highly specialized employees in-house, it is possible to improve efficiency and productivity by making good use of the power of home workers.

lead to cost savings

Highly specialized home workers can work efficiently, so there are many cases that lead to cost reductions compared to doing work in-house. If you ask a company, it is not uncommon for it to be expensive because various expenses such as sales expenses are added, but if you ask a home worker directly, you can respond quickly and at a low cost. There is also

Also, if you hire additional employees at your company, there are costs such as referral fees. By making good use of home workers, you can reduce unnecessary costs and risks.

Ability to handle increased orders and seasonal increases

It can be said that there are merits to using teleworkers in cases where it is difficult to coordinate internal resources due to the fact that recruitment activities cannot be carried out immediately despite the increase in orders, or where there are off-seasons and busy periods and it is difficult to coordinate internal resources. . The same is true if orders appear to be increasing due to a temporary boom. If you hire employees, you may end up with surplus human resources when orders are greatly reduced. It is important to determine whether the order is permanent or temporary, and then decide whether to use home workers or hire employees.


In order for companies to concentrate on important tasks with limited resources, it will be essential to make good use of home workers in the future. It is also important to have a firm understanding of the tasks that are unsuitable for working from home, such as avoiding work that involves confidential matters and not entrusting work that requires special methods. In order to make good use of home workers, it is necessary to firmly develop infrastructure such as communication culture and tools in the telework environment.



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