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What are the types of DX qualifications? -Introducing the merits and demerits of qualifications

Isn’t there a lot of people who want to know DX-related qualifications? Knowing DX-related qualifications has the following benefits.

  • You can take a step to become a DX human resource with high market value
  • You can increase the appeal material at the interview
  • It can be used as a means to develop DX human resources in the company

Therefore, this time, we will introduce 8 selections of DX qualifications that even beginners can take, including the advantages and disadvantages of each. In addition to introducing DX qualifications, we will also introduce more practical content such as 4 points to note when promoting qualifications within the company and how to improve DX skills.

Table of Contents

  • What is DX
  • 3 reasons why we need DX human resources
    • 1. Because it is necessary to promote conversion to DX
    • 2. Impact of the new coronavirus
    • 3. Public recruitment of DX human resources has started at government offices
  • Advantages of acquiring DX-related measures
    • You can prove your ability as a DX human resource
    • Market value is likely to increase as a DX human resource
    • Acquire comprehensive knowledge related to DX
  • 8 recommended qualifications to help promote DX
    • 1. Various certifications for AWS (Amazon Web Services)
    • 2.IT Strategist Exam
    • 3. AI implementation test
    • 4.Python3 engineer certification exam
    • 5. Database Specialist Exam
    • 6. Information Technology Engineer Examination
    • 7.IT coordinator qualification
    • 8.DX test
  • Points for acquiring qualifications
  • 4 points to note when promoting qualification acquisition within the company
    • 1. Clarification of eligible persons for obtaining qualifications
    • 2. Inform employees of the purpose of acquiring qualifications
    • 3. Formulation of systems related to obtaining qualifications
    • 4. Implementation of internal and external training
  • Books/seminars related to DX human resources
    • 1. [Seminar] “AI For Everyone” by DLA
    • 2. [Books] The easiest DX textbook The aggressive IT strategy to transform the business taught by a popular lecturer
    • 3. [Books] Textbook for DX human resources who create new value with digital technology
  • summary

What is DX

DX is the use of technology to transform business processes, products and services, and business and management.

3 reasons why we need DX human resources

One reason you want to know about DX qualifications is that you want to gain an advantage in changing jobs through qualifications in order to become a DX human resource and increase your market value. So, I will explain why DX human resources are in demand now.

There are three reasons why DX human resources are needed.

  1. Because it is necessary to proceed with DX conversion
  2. Impact of COVID-19
  3. Public recruitment of DX human resources has started at government offices

I will explain each.

1. Because it is necessary to promote conversion to DX

The awareness of DX has improved as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry defined the problem of “2025 cliff” in the ” DX Report “.

Incidentally, the “2025 cliff” is a problem that states that “unless management reforms are implemented through data utilization and system innovation, economic losses of up to 12 trillion yen per year may occur after 2025.”

Since this issue was reported in September 2018, the term DX has become widely recognized, and companies with a sense of crisis centered on management have started to work on DX.

2. Impact of the new coronavirus

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, an increasing number of companies are shifting to remote work. Therefore, the need for DX is increasing more than before.

According to Dentsu Digital’s ” Corporate Digital Transformation Survey in Japan (FY2020) “, 50% of companies responded that “the new coronavirus has accelerated DX initiatives,” of which 46% It turns out that “efficiency and productivity improvement” is mentioned

In addition, in order to maintain competitiveness with other companies, human resources who promote DX are indispensable for companies .

3. Public recruitment of DX human resources has started at government offices

The government plans to newly establish the Digital Agency in September 2021 in order to swiftly and intensively promote measures related to the formation of a digital society. In addition, the Digital Agency has announced plans to hire about 100 of its 500 employees from the private sector.

The recognition of DX is improving because such reforms are underway in government offices where analog culture such as seals still remains deeply rooted.

Advantages of acquiring DX-related measures

The benefits of acquiring DX-related qualifications include the following.

  • You can prove your ability as a DX human resource
  • Market value is likely to increase as a DX human resource
  • Acquire comprehensive knowledge related to DX

I will explain in detail from now on.

You can prove your ability as a DX human resource

Many DX qualification exams require practical knowledge.

Acquiring a DX qualification allows you to prove your ability as a DX human resource, which is useful for promotion within the company and for changing jobs.

Market value is likely to increase as a DX human resource

Currently, various companies are looking for DX human resources to promote DX conversion. The shortage of DX human resources is serious, and according to a survey by Mizuho Information & Research Institute, there will be a shortage of up to 970,000 DX human resources by 2030.

Under such circumstances, if you have a DX qualification, you can acquire high market value as a DX human resource.

Acquire comprehensive knowledge related to DX

By studying for DX qualification, you can acquire comprehensive knowledge related to DX.

Since you can learn DX methods and technologies that are widely evaluated in society, you can acquire a wide range of useful knowledge both inside and outside the company.

8 recommended qualifications to help promote DX

In order to become a DX human resource and increase the market value, we recommend that you acquire qualifications.

This is because, although DX-type jobs are still new, demand is expected to increase in the future, so it is a popular job. Therefore, let’s take advantage of changing jobs and employment by knowing and acquiring the DX qualification.

Also, if you want to recruit DX human resources from the outside or develop DX human resources in-house, please use it as a reference when formulating recruitment criteria for interviews when changing jobs or finding a job, and when deciding which qualifications to recommend in-house.

The following 8 DX-related qualifications will be introduced this time.

  1. Various certifications for AWS (Amazon Web Services)
  2. IT Strategist Exam
  3. AI implementation test
  4. Python3 Engineer Certification Exam
  5. Database Specialist Exam
  6. Information Technology Engineer Examination
  7. IT coordinator qualification
  8. DX test

I will explain each.

1. Various certifications for AWS (Amazon Web Services)

AWS certification is a system that certifies technical expertise that can operate on Amazon Web Services and technology that can develop applications.

There are two types of qualifications. There are role-specific certifications prepared for each of the three levels of Basic, Associate, and Professional, as well as three expertise certifications for Security, Big Data , and Advanced Networking.

Benefits you get

  • Being AWS Certified makes you a recognized cloud expert. Therefore, it is the most suitable qualification for those who plan and propose applications on AWS and for engineers who operate systems built on AWS .
  • Despite the increasing demand for AWS in recent years in many companies and sites, there is a shortage of engineers with AWS knowledge and skills. Therefore, by acquiring various AWS certifications, you can increase your market value as an “engineer with AWS knowledge and skills”.

Precautions when obtaining

  • The exam fee is 15,000 yen excluding tax, which is relatively expensive. Therefore, it is recommended that you take enough time to study and prepare for the exam before taking on the challenge.
  • The term of certification is 3 years. Therefore, it is necessary to recertify once every three years, and if you do not recertify, your qualification will expire.

2.IT Strategist Exam

The IT strategist examination is one of the advanced information processing engineer examinations, and is a national qualification set from level 1 to level 4.

As a qualification that certifies advanced management strategy knowledge, IT strategy knowledge, and consulting skills, it is mainly aimed at people in positions such as management planning, chief information officer executive candidates, and IT consultants.

Benefits you get

  • Passing the IT Strategist exam proves that you have a high level of IT knowledge. You will be able to write on your business cards as a qualified person, and you will be able to work as a consultant.
  • Holders of this qualification can join the Japan IT Strategists Association (JISTA) as full members. Although there is a small annual membership fee, there is an opinion that “It was a great merit to be able to interact with engineers and intellectuals outside the company.”

Precautions when obtaining

  • Due to the high degree of difficulty, it is necessary to spend a lot of time studying.
  • The IT strategist exam is a qualification that has more benefits when you get a job that requires advanced IT knowledge such as SE or IT consultant. However, if you plan to get a completely different job, it will be a meaningless qualification to acquire.

3. AI implementation test

The AI ​​Implementation Test is a private certification exam for AI conducted by the AI ​​Implementation Test Executive Committee.

Also, depending on what kind of skill you want to prove, you can choose your favorite level from B, A, and S. Therefore, it is a recommended qualification for those who want to start AI learning from now on.

Questions range from the basics of machine learning to knowledge of relatively difficult image processing. However, there is a lot of content to learn the outline of AI relatively.

Benefits you get

  • With the wave of digitization, the importance of AI is expected to increase in the future, so acquiring an AI implementation certification will increase your market value as an engineer.
  • You can take the exam online, which saves you the trouble of going to the exam venue.

Precautions when obtaining

Acquisition of the highest level S class is ideal in order to acquire the qualification for the AI ​​implementation test and to be active to the fullest, but it is expensive and time consuming due to the high degree of difficulty.

4.Python3 engineer certification exam

The Python3 Engineer Certification Examination is a private qualification exam administered by the Association for the Promotion of Python Engineer Development. It is divided into a basic exam and a data analysis exam, and the basic exam is suitable for inexperienced people to acquire with the aim of becoming a Python engineer.

Benefits you get

  • Not only does the study itself for obtaining qualifications lead to skill improvement, but if you obtain qualifications and the range of work expands, you can accumulate skills and improve your skills as an engineer.
  • If you have a Python qualification, it will prove that you understand the basic knowledge of Python syntax and data analysis.
  • Even if you change jobs from inexperienced, you can expand the range of work just by having qualifications, so it is possible to be active in fields with future potential such as machine learning and data analysis.

Precautions when obtaining

As with all qualifications, there is a possibility that the acquisition of qualifications will be the purpose and you will not be able to make a living at all by changing jobs. Therefore, before taking the exam, it is important to think about what you want to do by acquiring qualifications and what skills you want to prove and use in changing jobs.

5. Database Specialist Exam

The database specialist examination is one of the advanced information processing engineer examinations, and is a national qualification that certifies that you have technical expertise in databases. Among system engineers, the main target audience is database designers, administrators, and infrastructure engineers.

Benefits you get

  • The database specialist qualification is a highly difficult qualification set at level 4 among the advanced information engineer examinations. Therefore, just having this qualification can prove that you have a high level of skill as an engineer.
  • Many companies are looking for engineers with high technical skills, so it is advantageous to change jobs.

Precautions when obtaining

  • Although the Database Specialist exam is a highly promising qualification, it is characterized by the frequency of information updates and the frequent introduction of new technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly study and input the latest information.

6. Information Technology Engineer Examination

The Information Technology Engineer Examination is a national examination that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry certifies that knowledge and skills as an information technology engineer meet a certain level.

In addition, there are two types of this examination, the “basic information engineer examination” and the “applied information engineer examination”. It is a test that is used by everyone involved in IT, from engineers who build and operate information systems to end users who use information systems.

Benefits you get

  • The Information Technology Engineers Examination is used as a common evaluation index for IT knowledge and skills. Therefore, you can appeal not only to the IT industry but also to changing jobs to organizations and educational institutions that utilize IT.
  • In the Information Technology Engineers Examination, the questions are not dependent on a specific model or OS (company or product). Therefore, you can acquire a wide range of essential knowledge about IT technology and utilization. By having a wide range of knowledge outside of your own responsibilities, you can expect to improve your adaptability to career advancement and changes in responsibilities within the organization.

Precautions when obtaining

  • The Information Technology Engineer Examination is a Japanese national qualification. Therefore, foreign-affiliated companies and companies with many foreign employees whose headquarters are located in foreign countries may not be well known and may not be highly evaluated.
  • Regarding the Basic Information Technology Engineer Examination, Level 2 is the least difficult of the 11 information technology engineer qualifications. It’s not an easy test with a pass rate of 25% or less, but the current situation is that the world’s evaluation is not very high.

7.IT coordinator qualification

In 2001, an IT coordinator qualification system was established as part of a national project by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.

This qualification is one of the qualifications promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and an IT coordinator is an expert who is familiar with IT and management and who provides IT support services to realize management strategies of managers.

Benefits you get

  • The IT coordinator qualification will receive training after acquiring the qualification. In this training, you will be trained to acquire strategic thinking as a consultant during training, so you will not only improve your IT skills but also your strategic thinking skills.
  • This course provides managers with an awareness of working on management reforms that utilize IT, and on top of that, enables them to acquire the ‘concepts and procedures for utilizing IT in management,’ from the formulation of management strategies to the utilization of IT.

Precautions when obtaining

  • Not many companies hire IT coordinators. Therefore, the reality is that it is difficult to use only the IT coordinator qualification as a weapon when looking for a job or changing jobs.
  • Since the IT coordinator qualification is a private qualification, it costs money to obtain and maintain the qualification. Specifically, it is about 250,000 yen before obtaining the qualification, a renewal fee of 20,000 yen every year from the second year renewal after obtaining the qualification, and a follow-up training fee of about 90,000 yen within 3 years after obtaining the qualification. takes.

8.DX test

The DX test is one of the private qualifications certified by the Japan Society for Innovation Fusion. The purpose of this exam is to measure the degree of understanding of DX, and it is an exam that tests knowledge about DX.

Benefits you get

  • Acquiring the DX test and gaining knowledge about DX will be an appealing point for companies. This is because the shortage of DX human resources is a problem for many companies.
  • Since the DX test has a certification system, it can be written on business cards and profiles.
  • Since DX is promoted in various fields, qualifications related to DX are advantageous not only for employment but also for changing jobs. Also, by visualizing your knowledge of DX with a score, you can prove your level as a DX human resource.

Points for acquiring qualifications

The point of qualifying for DX is “not to aim for qualification”.

As with all qualifications, there is a possibility that the acquisition of qualifications will become the purpose and you will not be able to live at all in changing jobs. Therefore, before taking the exam, it is important to think about what you want to do by acquiring qualifications and what skills you want to prove and use in changing jobs .

4 points to note when promoting qualification acquisition within the company

Here are four things to keep in mind when promoting qualifications within your company:

  1. Clarification of eligibility targets
  2. Inform employees of the purpose of acquiring qualifications
  3. Formulation of systems related to acquisition of qualifications
  4. Implementation of internal and external training

I will explain each.

1. Clarification of eligible persons for obtaining qualifications

Rather than forcing all employees to aim for DX qualifications, it is important to encourage those who are apt to promote DX to obtain qualifications . This is because the original purpose of acquiring the DX qualification is to grow into a person who can be used in practice .

2. Inform employees of the purpose of acquiring qualifications

It is important not only to promote the acquisition of qualifications, but also to clearly communicate the purpose of acquisition . This is because if it remains unclear how the qualifications will be used in future work, there is a high possibility that they will not progress in their studies, and as a result, there is a risk that the number of qualified workers will decrease.

Specifically, clearly present your management strategy and vision, such as what kind of value you will create and aim for by utilizing digital technology, and how the acquisition of qualifications will be useful in your future work.

3. Formulation of systems related to obtaining qualifications

When you acquire the qualification, you will be charged for the examination fee, textbook fee, and problem collection. Therefore, setting up a qualification acquisition support system that covers the cost and an incentive system that pays employees compensation according to their performance will lead to an increase in employee motivation.

4. Implementation of internal and external training

Let’s define the requirements for DX human resources, receive the necessary training for each, and proceed with the DX conversion of the organization more smoothly . We recommend that you receive not only technical training and operation training, but also training that meets your needs.

Books/seminars related to DX human resources

Acquiring qualifications is not the only way to improve your DX skills. Input through books and seminars is also an effective means. Therefore, we will introduce carefully selected books and seminars recommended for DX.

1. [Seminar] “AI For Everyone” by DLA

Aiming to have all business people acquire data and AI literacy, this is a course for beginners to learn “what is AI” and “what can be done with deep learning”. It is an online video class format, and the content is about 6 hours in total.

2. [Books] The easiest DX textbook The aggressive IT strategy to transform the business taught by a popular lecturer

The knowledge and execution steps required for DX are carefully explained from the perspective of the site.

Another point is that it explains using a wealth of diagrams so that you can promote DX on a small scale and aim to gradually transform your business processes and business models. This is an introductory book for DX human resources, targeting everyone from DX promoters to those who are interested in cutting-edge technology.

Click here for details

3. [Books] Textbook for DX human resources who create new value with digital technology

This is a book on the theme of DX human resources by two people from Standard Co., Ltd., which provides DX human resource development services to nearly 500 companies after interviewing more than 3,000 major Japanese companies.

45 DX cases by industry are also posted, so you can learn more specifically about DX human resources.


This time, we introduced 8 selections of DX qualifications that even beginners can take. After entering the type of DX qualification, check detailed information such as the test date and fee for the qualification you are interested in, and take the exam.


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