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[2023 edition] Thorough explanation of 7 recommended web push notification services! Introducing advantages, disadvantages, and specific functions

“Isn’t there a way to increase conversions without increasing costs as much as possible?” “Even though there are users who are interested, it’s hard to revisit.” An increasing number of companies are using web push notification services, which have the effect of increasing website access and conversion rates when developing online businesses.

In this article, we will thoroughly explain everything you need to know when considering the introduction of a web push notification service, from the basics of the web push notification service to the advantages, disadvantages, specific functions, and recommended services.

Table of contents

What is a web push notification service?

A web push notification service is a service that sends notifications to browsers for users who have allowed notifications on a website. You can use the notification function that supports your browser to notify you of website updates, campaign information, etc.

There is no need to install a specific app, and once you allow notifications, the message will be displayed automatically, so the user’s burden and spontaneous action are not required, which leads to a natural increase in the number of accesses.

Difference between web push notification service and app push notification service

Similar to the “web push notification service” is the “app push notification service”. The difference between the two is that web push notifications are used on the browser and app push notifications are used on the application.

App push notification services require the installation of an app, so they work well for fixed users who already have some interest. The web push notification service can be used on the browser, so there is no application development cost for companies, and users can easily receive information without installing an application.

Advantages of web push notification service

The advantages of the web push notification service are as follows.

  • You can also notify first-time visitors
  • Get your ad seen by more people
  • Improve website revisit rate

Now let me explain them one by one.

You can also notify first-time visitors

The first advantage is that it is possible to notify even first-time visitors. With web push notifications, you can send pop-up notifications to users who visit your website without downloading or registering like an app push notification service or e-mail magazine.

For this reason, there is an advantage that the message can be widely delivered to first-time visitors who are not fixed users and have not yet been interested in the company’s products and services, which leads to an improvement in the time spent on the website and the conversion rate.

Get your ad seen by more people

The second benefit is that your ad can be seen by a large number of people. In our daily work and private life, it is common to use the Internet on a smartphone that we always carry with us. By receiving push notifications when you launch your browser, you increase the chances that many people will see your ads without consciously trying to access them.

In addition, web push notifications send notifications only when the user allows them, so you can accurately approach users who want to see advertisements. Another advantage is that there is no need to install the app, and many people can easily view the advertisement.

Improve website revisit rate

With web push notifications, notifications can be displayed on the browser even when the user closes the browser, and real-time information and campaign information can be delivered to the user quickly because the notification is delivered even if the user is not on the website.

As a result, there is no need to visit the website each time to collect information, etc., and users can access when useful information such as campaigns is updated, which improves user convenience and increases the revisit rate.

Disadvantages of Web Push Notification Service

The disadvantages of the web push notification service are as follows.

  • Discomfort with too many deliveries
  • security risk

While the use of web push notification services leads to recognition and revisit rate, there are also disadvantages that lead to bad impressions and troubles for websites depending on how they are used.

Now let me explain them one by one.

Discomfort with too many deliveries

The first disadvantage is that it is uncomfortable if the number of distributions is large. When you are on the user side, there must have been times when you felt annoyed by receiving a large number of corporate email newsletters and push notifications every day.

If you receive too many web push notifications, you may feel uncomfortable and turn them off. Therefore, it would be good to use functions such as distributing information according to the importance of the information, or dividing notifications by segments (dividing by user attributes) depending on the content of the notification service.

security risk

The second disadvantage is that it poses a security risk. Don’t forget the security risks with web push notifications. As a result of a malicious third party delivering a push notification with an unauthorized link, the user who clicked it may be redirected to a phishing site, or a computer may be infected with a virus.

To mitigate these risks, it is important to use a reliable web push notification service with security measures in place.

Specific features of web push notification service

The web push notification service has three main functions:

  • Designated delivery according to schedule and interests
  • A/B testing
  • Segment delivery

In order to deliver effective push notifications that lead to website access and conversions to users, it is characterized by being able to set delivery settings and post-delivery verification.

Now let me explain them one by one.

Designated delivery according to schedule and interests

The first function is designated delivery according to schedules and interests. Scheduled delivery is a function to deliver notifications at a specified date and time. In addition, targeted delivery according to interests is a function that delivers notifications according to keywords and categories that users are interested in. With these features, you’ll receive information about when your users are most active and what interests them, which can help increase repeat visits to your site.

A/B testing

The second feature is A/B testing. A/B testing is the ability to create notifications with two or more variations, distribute them randomly, and compare them.

You can send push notifications with changed elements such as the notification title, body, image, and button color, and analyze the reaction to each notification to test which response rate is higher. By conducting an A/B test, it is possible to create and improve more effective notifications, so you can expect to improve access to your site in the future.

Segment delivery

The third feature is segment delivery. Segment delivery is a function that classifies users based on their attributes and behavior and delivers notifications according to their attributes and behavior. Segments can be created based on age, region, purchase history, page browsing history, etc., and notifications suitable for each can be delivered. It can also be used for

By implementing segment distribution, it is possible to improve the accuracy of targeting and provide information that meets the needs of users, which leads to an improvement in the conversion rate.

How to choose a web push notification service

When choosing a web push notification service, you need to pay attention to several points, and the main points to look at are the following four points.

  • Arrange necessary functions
  • on budget or not
  • Compatible browser types
  • Free trial available

It is a good idea to consider whether it is suitable for the products and services that your company provides, and according to the scale of your business.

Now let me explain them one by one.

Arrange necessary functions

The first is the arrangement of necessary functions. Before introducing web push notifications, it is necessary to decide for what purpose, when and to which target audience.

And if you organize the functions that match your company’s purpose, you can select the appropriate service with only the functions you need. For example, check whether features such as scheduled delivery or segmented delivery meet your objectives and are necessary. The features and limitations provided by each service are also different, so it is necessary to compare them.

on budget or not

Second, make sure it’s within your budget. Even if the functions are substantial, it would be putting the cart before the horse if the expected profit and the cost of introducing the web push notification service do not match the overall profit. There are both paid and free web push notification services, and usage fees vary depending on the functions that can be used with paid services and the number of deliveries. When introducing it, it is necessary to check the price plan in advance and judge whether it fits your budget.

It is difficult to introduce beyond the budget, so let’s consider introducing a service that maximizes cost performance within the budget.

Compatible browser types

The third is the type of supported browsers. Delivery of web push notification services may be restricted depending on the browser used by the user. Check in advance whether it supports the browsers that your target audience will likely use.

The distribution range will change depending on which browsers the service you are considering to introduce supports. In particular, let’s check whether it supports Safari, which is the iPhone standard browser.

Free trial available

The fourth is whether or not there is a free trial. Some web push notification services may offer a free trial for a certain period of time, so be sure to check before installing.

In addition to being able to actually try the service and check whether it meets the needs of your site, you can also check the support system, compatibility with your company’s media, and ease of use. In addition to eliminating concerns before introduction and selecting an appropriate service, it is also useful for post-installation operation if the members who operate it are familiar with how to use it before introduction.

7 recommended web push notification services

Finally, I would like to introduce a recommended web push notification service.


Push7 can deliver not only text but also web push notifications that support pictograms and images, making it possible to appeal to users in a variety of ways. In addition to having scheduled delivery, segment delivery, and A/B test functions, it also provides an official WordPress plugin that is highly used on corporate sites, and can be fully automated by linking with the API, so it is a burden on the operation staff. can also be reduced.

Features of Push7

  • Easy setup that can be installed in as little as 3 minutes
  • High performance notification open rate
  • It is possible to detect users who left before conversion


PUSH ONE is the first in the industry to perform segment distribution linked to audience data (action data on the site collected by cookies), and as of May 2022, Web push with 70 million users and 6 billion distributions per month. Notification service. A free trial is available for one month, so it should be enough to consider introducing it.

Features of PUSH ONE

  • A high track record of installation that is also used by famous music distribution services
  • Easy-to-read management screen
  • 1 month free trial with unlimited push notifications


In addition to immediate delivery, scheduled delivery, and regular delivery of push notifications, PushTracker has delivery patterns such as event delivery that automatically delivers triggered by user behavior on the website and rich push delivery that displays large images. In addition to extracting users who have or did not open the delivery, you can create user groups based on conditions and deliver.

Features of PushTracker

  • Optimization of delivery timing and delivery text using AI
  • Enhanced customization
  • 3 months free trial

EC Intelligence

As its name suggests, EC Intelligence is a service specialized in EC and has various functions to support the improvement of EC profits. It is used by companies that sell directly to consumers. New features are added through regular updates.

Features of EC Intelligence

  • Cross-channel measures are possible
  • Easy analysis by centralized management of the results of multi-channel measures
  • Content display according to member rank, attributes, first visit, etc.

Browser Messenger

In Browser Messenger, you can issue unique parameters for each message on the management screen, and you can verify the effect using existing access analysis tools. In addition, up to 10 items of attribute data can be added to individual users, enabling detailed segment settings. Currently, only Google Chrome is supported, but safari is planned to be supported as well.

Features of Browser Messenger

  • Automatic delivery is possible without going through the management screen by API linkage
  • Step-by-step delivery capabilities to strengthen customer relationships
  • Notification message preview function

Chat Plus

ChatPlus is a web push notification service that claims the lowest price in the industry, and as of 2019, it has been introduced by more than 10,000 companies. Among web push notification services that may require a high initial cost of hundreds of thousands of yen, the chat function is strong and the initial cost is 0 yen, and the monthly fee is 1,500 yen. is also attractive.

Features of ChatPlus

  • It is possible to switch between automatic answer by AI and manned chat
  • Create your own chat with customizable scenario settings
  • Customizable window design


GENIEE MA is a web push notification service, but it is possible to take a multifaceted approach from multiple channels suitable for customers, such as email, LINE, pop-up, SMS, and app push. In addition, since it is possible to extract prospective customers based on the customer response rate and track their actions, it is possible to approach at the timing that leads to conversion.

Features of GENIEE MA

  • intuitive interface
  • Support sales activities with prospect behavior tracking
  • In-house data can be analyzed using Excel and core systems


The web push notification service is a service that provides push notifications on the web browser, and can notify users who are not browsing the site of updated information and new articles on the website. It features a wealth of functions such as setting delivery time, specifying delivery segments, customizing notifications, and analyzing response rates.



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