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HomeMarketing Thorough comparison of 7 recommended traffic line analysis tools! Details of...

[2023 version] Thorough comparison of 7 recommended traffic line analysis tools! Details of advantages and cautions

Traffic line analysis is important for marketing measures. Flow line analysis was originally intended to create a better store design by understanding how people move when designing a store, and in recent years it is often used as a marketing method for websites.

Therefore, in this article, we will introduce 7 recommended flow line analysis tools, and will also explain in detail the outline, advantages, and points to note of flow line analysis.

Table of contents

What is traffic line analysis?

Flow line analysis is a method for understanding and improving how customers use spaces and move around in store design such as architecture and interior design.

The purpose of flow line analysis is to increase the number of visitors to the store and the purchase rate. We will decide what kind of information should be collected to achieve the purpose, conduct a survey of the current situation of the target store, and confirm the current flow line, equipment layout, lighting, etc.

A typical flow line analysis method is to check people’s movements and behavior patterns using technologies such as video cameras and sensors. By analyzing the collected data, problems can be identified, such as finding crowded places, intersections of traffic lines, and places where users get lost. Then, we introduce measures such as optimizing flow lines, changing the layout of the space, installing signs and information boards, and confirming the effects. If the effect is not sufficient, repeat the analysis and improvement measures again.

Appropriate flow line analysis will make customers feel comfortable and make their purchasing behavior more efficient. It can also be expected to lead to an increase in the number of visitors and sales for stores and facilities.

Advantages of using traffic line analysis on websites

We will introduce the following two points as advantages of using traffic line analysis on the website.

  • Improve conversion rate
  • Improved abandonment rate

Now let me explain them one by one.

Improve conversion rate

The first is improving conversion rates.

Websites analyze how users navigate between pages and explore information. By optimizing the analyzed flow line, customer satisfaction will improve, and more visitors will perform the desired actions such as purchasing, registering, and making inquiries.

For example, click map and heat map analysis are available as methods of analyzing website traffic lines. A clickmap visualizes where visitors click on a web page. Heatmaps show you which parts of your page your visitors are paying attention to in different colors. By analyzing this data, you can understand what kind of information visitors are interested in. You can also identify what types of content are barriers and affect conversions.

By analyzing and optimizing the flow of the website, visitors can easily access the information they want. If you improve the menu and search function, the visitor will be able to reach the desired page without hesitation, and the conversion rate will improve.

Improved abandonment rate

The second benefit is an improvement in the dropout rate.

If you use traffic line analysis on your website, you can expect to improve the exit rate (percentage of visitors leaving the site). If users can get to the desired information and action without getting lost on the site, the exit rate will decrease and the effectiveness of the website will improve. As a method of using traffic line analysis to improve the exit rate, there is a method of using analysis tools such as Google Analytics to examine the time spent on each page and the exit rate. This allows you to identify which pages visitors tend to leave and which pages have problems.

Also, by examining how visitors move around your website, you can identify areas where they tend to get lost or pages they tend to leave. It is also possible to improve problem pages and links and reduce the exit rate. The use of movement line analysis will increase the possibility of improving the website abandonment rate and extending the visitor’s stay time.

Advantages of using flow line analysis in physical stores

The following three points will be introduced as advantages of using traffic line analysis in physical stores.

  • Increased willingness to purchase
  • process visualization
  • Grasping the length of stay

Now let me explain them one by one.

Increased willingness to purchase

The first is the desire to purchase.

By analyzing flow lines and designing appropriately, customers will be able to use the store comfortably, and their interest in products and services will increase. There is a high possibility that each person’s willingness to buy will improve, and sales and profits will increase. For example, placing products that are likely to be of interest to customers in a prominent location and placing related products nearby increases their willingness to purchase.

In addition, regular product placement changes will always give customers a fresh impression. By using flow line analysis, you can improve the willingness to buy at physical stores, and increase customer satisfaction and repeat rate.

process visualization

The second is process visualization.

Process visualization means to clearly grasp and understand the movements, behavior patterns, and bottlenecks (problem points) of customers and employees in the store. Identifying areas where congestion occurs in the store and areas where customers tend to get lost and considering improvement measures will facilitate efficient operation and planning of improvement measures.

For example, it is possible to observe and analyze how customers move in the store and what products they are interested in, and optimize product placement, improve signage, and change the layout of sales floors.

It is also possible to analyze employee movements and work processes to achieve efficient business execution and waste reduction. Improvements in the working environment can also be expected by changing the layout of the work area and arranging equipment appropriately. If you use flow line analysis, you will be able to visualize the process, clarify the problems, and make it easier to plan improvement measures and measure effects.

Grasping the length of stay

The third is to understand the length of stay.

Dwell time refers to the length of time a customer spends in a store. By grasping the length of stay, it is possible to understand the behavioral patterns and interests of customers, which can be utilized in store management and marketing strategies. For example, observe and analyze how customers move around the store and what areas and products they spend time on. This allows us to understand the interests and concerns of our customers and optimize product placement and promotional strategies.

One method is to use sensors and cameras installed in the store to automatically measure and analyze the movement and length of stay of customers. More detailed data can be obtained, such as differences in length of stay for each customer segment and changes in length of stay for each time period. By using flow line analysis, it is possible to grasp the time spent in the actual store, improve customer satisfaction and improve the repeat rate. Also, by optimizing store layouts, product placement, promotion strategies, etc., based on data on time spent in stores, sales and profits can be expected to improve.

Precautions for flow line analysis

The following two points are important points to keep in mind when analyzing flow lines.

  • Can lead to overanalysis
  • Possibility of misinterpretation

Now let me explain them one by one.

Can lead to overanalysis

The first is that it can lead to overanalysis.

Overanalyzing means spending too much time and effort analyzing data and investing in improvements that don’t actually work. Overanalysis can slow down important issues and prevent effective remedial measures from being implemented. In order to avoid over-analysis, it is important to clearly set the purpose of analysis and collect and analyze data accordingly. Analyzing data without a clear purpose will result in wasted effort and time.

It is also effective to prioritize problems and improvement measures and work on important issues first. Regularly measure the effectiveness of the improvement measures you have implemented and review those that are less effective. By paying attention to these points and conducting flow line analysis with an appropriate range and purpose, it is possible to avoid excessive analysis and implement effective improvement measures.

Possibility of misinterpretation

The second is the possibility of misinterpretation.

Care must be taken when analyzing data and interpreting results, and if improvement measures are implemented based on incorrect interpretations, not only will they not be effective, but in some cases the situation may even worsen. In order to avoid misinterpretation, it is important to review the method and scope of data collection and use highly reliable data. Also, it is important not to rely on only one data source, but to refer to multiple data sources and make a comprehensive interpretation.

Verify the analysis results and re-analyze if necessary. Referencing the opinions of experts and others also has the effect of preventing misinterpretation. It is also important to understand the context such as industry and market trends, store location conditions and target demographics.

By paying attention to these points and interpreting them appropriately, it is possible to avoid erroneous improvement measures and operate stores effectively. Traffic analysis is a useful technique, but it should be done with caution regarding the quality of the data and how it is interpreted.

7 recommended tools for flow line analysis

Here are seven recommended tools for traffic line analysis.

・For Websites
Here are some recommended tools for websites.


KARTE is an integrated marketing platform for optimizing the user experience of websites and apps. Track user behavior in real time and offer personalized content and promotions. Main functions include flow line analysis, customer segment analysis, A/B testing, targeted advertising, and chatbots. With these features, you can expect to improve customer satisfaction and optimize conversion rates.

Features of KARTE

  • Integrate current and historical data for each customer
  • Intuitive management, update, and evaluation are possible with no-code site configuration.
  • Equipped with a function to quickly rotate the hypothesis verification process

ABEJA Insight for Retail

ABEJA Insight for Retail is an AI-based store analysis service based on the acquisition and analysis of customer behavior data. By visualizing customer behavior and purchasing patterns in the store, it is possible to formulate optimal store management and marketing strategies. Main functions include flow line analysis, customer attribute analysis, sales analysis, inventory optimization, and store layout optimization. ABEJA Insight for Retail is provided as a cloud service.

Features of ABEJA Insight for Retail

  • Achieved No. 1 market share for 3 consecutive years
  • Visualize customer behavior from entry to purchase
  • A minimum of 16,000 yen can be introduced

Marketing Cockpit

Marketing Cockpit is a traffic analysis tool for websites and apps provided by FUJIFILM Business Innovation. By embedding tags, it is possible to perform real-time analysis such as flow line analysis, measurement of staying time, and grasping the number of customers. In addition, it is possible to introduce countermeasures such as AB tests, pop-up screens, and banner displays through tags. Since this is a follow-on service, a specialist will always be by your side to report analysis results and provide support for necessary countermeasures.

Features of Marketing Cockpit

  • Accompanying analysis support service
  • Enables data fusion between websites, apps, and paper
  • A quick plan that is easy to introduce is also available

activecore marketing cloud

activecore marketing cloud is an integrated platform that supports omnichannel marketing. Centrally manage customer data for effective targeting and personalized communications. Main functions include customer attribute analysis, segment analysis, e-mail newsletter, SMS marketing, and app push notification. All tools are developed in-house, so we can quickly respond to inquiries and implement countermeasures when problems occur.

Features of the activecore marketing cloud

  • Implementation of measures and analysis based on private DMP
  • Rapid response is possible because everything is developed in-house
  • Regular training seminars

・For stores
Recommended tools for stores are introduced below.


moptar is a new traffic line analysis platform. It is possible to analyze traffic lines in the store and use marketing for safety management. It does not require conventional tags and enables long-term flow line analysis. It can be used not only for analysis such as improvement of store layout, but also for digital signage advertisement, detection of need for customer service, detection of suspicious persons, etc. Methods of using moptar include improving work efficiency in factories and using it for unmanned stores.

Features of moptar

  • No need to tag your website
  • Long-term traffic line tracking is possible
  • Can be analyzed from various perspectives such as customers, aisles, sales floors, and stores


RETAILNEXT is a data platform with the most advanced traffic measurement system for retail. Accurately measure traffic and conversions to your store in real time. Effective A/B testing of store layouts and product assortments avoids store congestion and provides a safe environment for customers and employees. In addition, you can easily access information and videos of all stores regardless of the device.

Features of RETAILNEXT

  • Uses state-of-the-art traffic measurement system
  • Providing a safe environment that controls store congestion
  • Enables effective A/B testing of store layouts and product lineups



FollowUP is a store analysis tool that derives measures to improve and improve sales performance by in-store behavior of customers using store DX. Analyze customer behavior and improve sales performance. IoT devices such as 3D cameras and sensors are used to count the number of people entering the store, track customer behavior, and measure the length of stay. The person in charge can use the tool to check store data in real time and incorporate it into improvement measures.

Features of FollowUP

  • Achieved introduction of more than 6,000 stores
  • Quantification of reports allows stores and headquarters to consider from the same perspective
  • Comprehensive support system that leads to store improvement


In this article, we have explained the flow line analysis. Flow line analysis is essential to efficiently increase sales at stores and websites. By analyzing the flow line, it is possible to reduce unnecessary places and provide the optimal space for customers and employees.



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