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HomeAutomationMarketing Automation Scenario Design | Explanation of Necessary Elements and Creation Procedures

Marketing Automation Scenario Design[2022] | Explanation of Necessary Elements and Creation Procedures

Marketing Automation

In recent years, the term marketing automation (MA) has received a lot of attention. However, although there is a vague image, there may be some people who do not know how to use it effectively .

In this article, we will introduce ” scenario design ” , which is essential when using MA, from its overview to design steps and points for design .

Table of Contents

  • What is the MA scenario?
  • Four required elements of the scenario
    • 1. “To whom”
    • 2. When
    • 3. “What”
    • 4. “How”
  • 4 steps of scenario creation
    • Step 1: Design Personas
    • Step 2: Design Timing
    • Step 3: Design your content
    • Step 4: Design your approach
  • Six points of scenario creation
    • 1. Create a Customer Journey
    • 2. Multiple content
    • 3. Trigger settings
    • 4. Data collection
    • 5. Turn the PDCA cycle
    • 6. Segmentation design
  • Let’s aim for effective scenario design

What is the MA scenario?

Scenario is mainly used as a word that refers to a screenplay or script for a movie. In other words, it can be said that a scenario is a “plot of action ”. Scenarios in marketing automation are scenarios that envision the detailed behavior of users leading up to purchase and guide them to purchase .

It can also be said that it is a blueprint for an approach to guide prospective customers who have not yet used it but who have a high probability of using it in the future . Set in advance according to scenarios which customers (potential customers) should be approached, what kind of content should be approached, and when.

For example, in the use of direct mail, the effect cannot be expected even if it is delivered carelessly. By delivering based on the scenario set in advance, it will be effective.

Scenarios are composed of four elements: ” who “, ” what “, ” when ” and ” how “. Including this element allows you to define your end goal and create a scenario to reach it.

Four required elements of the scenario

The scenario requires four elements:

  1. To whom
  2. When
  3. What
  4. How

1. “To whom”

The first thing you need when creating a scenario is a target , and then a persona .

Persona is a word that refers to a mask, but in marketing, the meaning changes and means a fictional image of a user. A “persona” is created by roughly setting a “target” group based on customer attributes such as age and gender, adding information such as specific personalities in the target group, and imagining a fictitious person.

2. When

Scenarios require assumptions about the timing of actions.

As an example, if you create a scenario for attracting customers by sending emails , assume the timing of the approach, such as when to send the email, when the user will open it, when to reach the service information, and when to browse a specific page. is.

3. “What”

The third element in the scenario is ” content content “.

If content doesn’t meet user demand, users will leave. It is important to analyze the needs from the attributes of the target and create content that matches it.

4. “How”

Finally, how you approach your users matters. Set how to distribute content and approach users through what medium .

Specifically, email distribution, SNS, direct mail, company website, customer service at stores, sales, etc.

4 steps of scenario creation

I will explain each of the four steps of creating a scenario.

  1. Design a persona
  2. Design timing
  3. Design content
  4. Design your approach

Step 1: Design Personas

First, set your target persona. Scenario creation begins with determining what kind of users you want to approach.

This setting should refer to information based on objective evidence . Specifically, we utilize multifaceted data such as existing customer information, publicly available survey data, access analysis results, questionnaires, and user interview information by sales representatives.

Targeting also categorizes users on multiple dimensions.

First, there is a life cycle axis that classifies the relationship between companies and customers as an axis . With this, it is possible to classify from “potential customers” who have not yet made a purchase, to “new customers”, “general customers”, “good customers”, and “dormant customers” who used the service in the past but have not used it recently. .

Next, there is the customer behavior axis that classifies users according to their actual behavior, such as “users who opened the email and clicked on the URL” and “users who have purchased” . In addition, it is also possible to classify on the customer attribute axis according to customer attributes such as age, gender, occupation and annual income .

Step 2: Design Timing

Scenarios require timing settings to envision the behavior of users leading up to purchase. Set “when” and “how often” to approach . If you approach too much or miss the timing of the approach, you will lose the user’s interest.

Carefully consider when and how often the approach works.

Step 3: Design your content

Next, let’s clarify what kind of trouble the user has . Optimal content can be created.

It would be effective not only to analyze and respond to the target’s needs from existing data, but also to set up content that guides them in the intended direction .

Step 4: Design your approach

Finally, design your approach. Scenarios are set to lead users to the final goal of purchasing, so it is necessary to utilize media that will entice users .

Approach methods include in-store customer service, sales, seminars, (direct) mail, SNS, and company websites. Scenario creation also changes greatly depending on which one is used.

Six points of scenario creation

Here are six points to consider when creating scenarios.

  1. Craft the customer journey
  2. Multiple content
  3. Trigger setting
  4. Data collection
  5. Rotate the PDCA cycle
  6. Segmentation design

1. Create a Customer Journey

A customer journey is the purchasing process of a customer. Considering how the designed persona leads to purchase is important in scenario creation. When a user decides to make a purchase, they have a problem, and in most cases, the process involves collecting information to solve the problem, proceeding to product examination, and finally making a purchase.

As such, this right-timed approach to customer journeys gives you a competitive advantage when considering products . Without customer journeys, each scenario becomes ad hoc.

Try to create scenarios that are based on the customer journey.

2. Multiple content

When the amount of content that can reach users is small, the breadth of marketing is also narrow at the same time. Therefore, it is effective to add content each time along the persona and customer journey .

By using marketing automation to automatically distribute emails, it is possible to allocate personnel to new content and content improvement. You can expand your marketing activities by providing multiple content, considering what media users will use to collect information.

3. Trigger settings

Next, it is important to set the timing to provide content when the user takes a specific action, called a trigger . For example, it is effective to take an approach that matches the user’s behavior and the psychology assumed from it, such as distributing event information by e-mail when materials are downloaded from the website.

Determining the optimal trigger can be difficult. Therefore, think about triggers by referring to user behavior data collected and managed by marketing automation .

4. Data collection

Set various elements when creating a scenario. When deciding these things, mere imagination does not lead to results. Hypotheses are important, but they must be data-driven.

Data collection is a prerequisite for scenario creation, such as questionnaires, interviews with users by sales staff, analysis of site access data, and analysis of past users .

5. Turn the PDCA cycle

PDCA is a concept that aims to improve the quality of management through the process circulation of Plan (plan) / Do (execution) / Check (evaluation) / Action (measures and improvements).

Scenarios are nothing more than desk theories . Taking action, validating the results, and improving will allow us to move to an effective scenario.

If you can guide along the scenario, you can analyze the factors and improve for better marketing. If the user deviates from the assumption, it is necessary to review the customer journey trigger again or review the persona itself.

By analyzing user reactions and running the PDCA cycle, it is possible to create more accurate scenarios .

6. Segmentation design

Segmentation is the classification of your market and customers into divisions (segments) . Many MA tools have a segment function. Depending on which segment you fall into, the scenario will run in a different direction.

For example, in a company that provides DX services, the content will change depending on the segment, such as scenario A for users who are serious about learning DX, and scenario B for users who are already working on DX.

It is difficult to construct scenarios optimized for each segment all at once, and adjustments are also difficult. For this reason, we recommend that you initially deploy on a small scale, gradually set up multiple scenarios, and make improvements while rotating the PDCA cycle.

Let’s aim for effective scenario design

What did you think. It is possible to guide users and acquire them as customers by making precise calculations instead of blindly approaching them.



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