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HomePython10 comparison points between Ruby and Python | Recommended books for studying

10 comparison points between Ruby and Python | Recommended books for studying

What is Ruby?

Ruby is an object-oriented scripting language developed by Japanese.

Ruby is a programming language developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto. The concept is to make development fun, so it is devised so that engineers can develop efficiently.

For example, by using the Ruby framework “Ruby on Rails”, you can code without feeling stress.

What is Python?

Python is an interpreted programming language with easy-to-understand code.

It is a language that has a philosophy of being simple and easy to read code compared to other languages ​​such as C language and Java. In recent years, it has been used for machine learning and data analysis, and it is also a language that is attracting attention.

It is also easier for beginners to learn because it requires less memorization than other languages.

10 ways to choose between Ruby and Python

Here are 10 ways to choose between Ruby and Python.

Both Ruby and Python are very versatile programming languages, and there are some overlaps in the fields that both can handle, so many people may be wondering which language to learn.

Here, we will introduce 10 selections of how to choose between Ruby and Python, so please refer to them.

How to choose Ruby and Python 1: Ruby is recommended for working as a freelancer

If you want to work as a freelancer, Ruby is the best choice for now.

Comparing the number of freelance projects, there are currently more Ruby projects. Therefore, it can be said that it is easier to work as a freelancer if you learn Ruby at this time.


However, due to the recent popularity of Python, the number of projects is gradually increasing, so there is a possibility that the number of Python projects will increase in the future.

How to choose Ruby and Python 2: Ruby is recommended to make it easier to receive projects

It is recommended to choose Ruby to make it easier to receive projects.

Since Ruby is often used for speedy development of web services, it is attracting attention in venture companies, and many venture companies are actively adopting it.


For that reason, many companies hire Ruby programmers on a contract basis, and it can be said that it is easier to receive projects if they are Ruby programmers.

How to choose between Ruby and Python 3: Ruby is recommended for web service development

If you want to develop web services, Ruby is recommended.

Both Ruby and Python are languages ​​that allow web services, but Ruby allows for faster development. By using the Ruby on Rails framework, efficient and rapid development is possible.

Also, since Ruby has a lot of information in Japanese, Ruby is a good choice if you want to learn programming for the purpose of developing web services.

How to choose between Ruby and Python 4: Ruby is recommended for working from home

If you want to work as an engineer at home, I recommend choosing Ruby.

As mentioned above, Ruby has been adopted by many venture companies. In addition, many venture companies have flexible working styles such as working from home, so there are many jobs for remote work.

Python, on the other hand, is still understaffed and has fewer jobs that can be remote. Therefore, if you want to work remotely from home, Ruby is a good choice.

How to choose between Ruby and Python 5: Ruby is recommended for beginners

If you are a beginner, I recommend choosing Ruby.

Python is a language that is easy for beginners to learn because the code is easy to understand, but there are not many explanations, so it is difficult to extend your skills to application development.

On the other hand, since Ruby was developed by a Japanese, there are plenty of explanations in Japanese. Also, since it is a recommended language for creating web applications, creating one application will increase the efficiency of subsequent learning.

How to choose between Ruby and Python 6: Python is recommended for AI development

If you want to develop AI, Python is the best choice.


Python is well-equipped for machine learning and other libraries necessary for developing artificial intelligence, and in recent years it has been widely used for developing artificial intelligence.


Artificial intelligence development is possible with Puby, but it lags behind Python. Therefore, if you want to develop artificial intelligence, it is recommended to use Python.

How to choose between Ruby and Python 7: Python is recommended to receive qualification benefits

It is recommended to choose Python to receive the qualification allowance favorably.


Depending on the company, there are cases where you can receive allowances depending on the qualifications you have, but it is common for qualification allowances to qualify for qualifications with a high degree of difficulty.


In the case of Python, there are cases where allowances such as “Python3 engineer certification basic exam” are provided.

How to choose between Ruby and Python 8: Ruby is recommended if you don’t want to do anything in particular

If you don’t want to do anything in particular, I recommend choosing Ruby.


Ruby can be used for development in various fields such as web application development, website creation, scraping and game development. On the other hand, Python can also develop web applications, but it has strengths in machine learning and data analysis.


Therefore, if you don’t have a specific goal in mind, it’s a good idea to learn Ruby.

How to choose Ruby and Python 9: Advantages for finding a job or changing jobs differ depending on the company you apply for

The language that is advantageous for job hunting differs depending on the company you are applying for, so let’s know the necessary development language.


Since each programming language can do different things, the development language adopted by each company is different.


Therefore, if there is a company you are applying for, know the language they are using and choose a language that will give you an advantage.

How to choose between Ruby and Python 10: Python has more job openings

If you want to use the number of jobs as a guide, it is recommended to choose Python.


If you choose only by the number of jobs, Python is more. In recent years, there has been a global artificial intelligence development boom, and the demand for Python, which has strengths in machine learning, is increasing.

Therefore, in recent years, the number of job openings for Python has increased in Japan.

8 Recommended Books to Acquire Ruby and Python Skills

Here are some recommended books to acquire Ruby and Python skills.


Among those who want to learn Ruby and Python from now on, there are probably many people who want to make use of books.


Here are 8 recommended books to acquire Ruby and Python skills.

Recommended Book 1: Introduction to Ruby for Professionals

“Introduction to Ruby for Professionals” is a book that allows you to learn the flow of programming in Ruby.


By learning Ruby syntax with sample code, people who have experience developing in other programming languages ​​can learn Ruby efficiently.


The contents such as variables for programming inexperienced people are kept to a minimum, and the focus is on explanations of Ruby’s features and useful knowledge in the development field.

Recommended Book 2: Practical Introduction to Python

“Introduction to Python Practice” is a book that introduces the practical use of Python.


The number of books written in Japanese has increased in recent years, but many people are probably considering learning Python as a second or third language. This book is a Python book aimed at such people, and introduces the practical use of Python.


It is characterized by the fact that it mainly deals with Python language specifications, functions, and what can be done with the library.

Recommended book 3: Learn Ruby in 3 steps

“Learn Ruby in 3 Steps” is a recommended book for Ruby beginners.


This book is organized for Ruby beginners, focusing on the basics of Ruby syntax and programming points. Through the process of preparation, practice, and review, you can acquire the basics of Ruby.


You can also test your understanding by doing practice questions.

Recommended book 4: An easy-to-understand introduction to Python

“Sukkiri Understanding Python Introduction” is a book that carefully unravels the basics of programming.


Although Python has a simple syntax, it is difficult for beginners to master. Therefore, in this book, even beginners can easily understand it by making it a story so that they can read it to the end.

First of all, by acquiring programming mechanisms and tricks, you will be able to move on to learning Python’s specialized field.

Recommended Book 5: Python Starter Book

“Python start book” is a book that you can understand even if you have zero programming knowledge.

A Python reference book with abundant illustrations and samples that are easy to understand even for programming beginners.

It also explains the basics of web applications and data analysis, so you can enjoy learning Python from the basics to full-fledged programming.

Recommended Book 6: Easy-to-Read Ruby Furigana Programming

“Smoothly Readable Ruby Furigana Programming” is a friendly Ruby book with furigana for all programs.


It is a phonetic programming series aiming at the ultimate kindness. Furigana are included in the pronunciation of all the programs that appear, making it clear what each line of the program means and making it easier to understand how it works.

Therefore, it is easy to learn even for beginners of programming.

Recommended book 7: From the basics of the Python language to how to work

“From the basics of the Python language to how to work” is a recommended book for those who want to learn programming by self-study.

You can learn the basics of Python programming and various skills such as shells, regular expressions, version control, etc. necessary to become a programmer.

It contains the essence necessary to become a professional programmer by self-study, so it is ideal for those who are new to programming and want to become a professional.

Recommended Book 8: Fun Ruby

“Fun Ruby” is a book that explains from the basics in plain language so that even programming beginners can read and understand.

By dividing the themes into tutorials, basics, classes, and tools, we provide easy-to-understand explanations so that even those who are new to programming can understand.

In addition, there are two types of appendices, appendix A explains how to prepare the Ruby execution environment, and appendix B is a reference collection, so you can use it for a long time.

Compare Ruby and Python and use the one that suits you best

Both Ruby and Python are popular languages, but it’s important to choose one according to your purpose.

By all means, how about choosing between Ruby and Python introduced in this article and recommended books for acquiring Ruby and Python skills, and find the best programming language for your purpose?



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