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HomePythonHow to develop games with Python? 9 libraries and game engines

How to develop games with Python? 9 libraries and game engines

Python is a programming language that is gaining attention in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Among the various types of programming languages, Python is a highly versatile language that is used in a wide range of fields such as machine learning, data analysis, web application development and game development.

Also, since the grammar is simple and easy to read and write, it can be said that it is a language that is relatively easy to learn even for beginners.

4 ways to develop games with Python

I will show you how to develop games with Python.

Python is a versatile programming language, so it is also possible to develop games. Then, what methods are available for game development using Python?

Here are 4 ways to develop games with Python. How about using it as a reference?

How to develop games with Python 1: Use game libraries

When developing games with Python, there is a way to use game libraries.

A game library is a collection of general-purpose functions that can be used for game development.

Python has a wealth of game libraries and GUIs that make game development easy, so you can easily develop games by using the library.

How to develop a game with Python 2: Create with a game engine

When developing games with Python, there is a way to use a game engine.

A game engine is software that has functions for processing images and sounds that are often used for game development.

Efficient game development can be realized by using a game engine. For Python, popular game engines such as “Pyxel” and “Panda3D” are used.

How to do game development with Python 3: Make it in code

When developing games with Python, there is a way to develop using only Python code.


Efficient development can be done by using libraries and game engines, but it is also possible to develop games purely by coding in Python.

You can also find sample code for game development with Python by searching the Internet.

How to do game development with Python 4: Miscellaneous

When developing games with Python, there are also methods such as creating on the game development site.

There are also websites on the Internet that seem to support game development in Python. You can learn game development in Python from scratch, and you can develop Python games only on the website, so you can try game development even if you don’t have an environment.

9 libraries and game engines that can be used for game development with Python

Introducing a library and game engine that allows you to develop games with Python.


Game development using python allows you to easily develop full-fledged games by using game libraries and game engines.


Here, we will introduce 9 libraries and game engines that can be used for game development with Python, so why not use them as a reference?

Library Game Engine 1: PyGame

PyGame is the most used library for game development in Python.


PyGame is a popular cross-platform game development library, designed to separate computationally intensive functions from logic, making it possible to develop games using Python.


In addition, it is a GUI specialized for creating video games, so it is recommended for those who want to enjoy developing games using Python.

Library/Game Engine 2: tkinter

tkinter is a library for creating GUI applications that comes standard with Python.


Since it is a standard library for building and operating GUIs from Python, it is relatively easy to use among libraries, and you can easily develop GUI applications.


Therefore, what you can do in game development is limited, but if you are a beginner, it is recommended to start by creating a 2D application using tkinter.

Library Game Engine 3: Kivy

Kivy is a modern looking library for game development.


You can develop games at the same level as PyGame, but there is less information in Japanese because it is not well known. It is characterized by the ability to intuitively create layouts using the KV language.


In addition, since it is open source software distributed under the MIT license, it is a relatively easy-to-use library.

Library Game Engine 4: Pyglet

Pyglet is a Python library with few dependencies.


A library that provides an interface that can be used to program object-oriented applications, and is used in game development and multimedia application development.


Pyglet has no dependencies and is a cross-platform library, so it can run on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Library Game Engine 5: cocos2D

cocos2D is a framework for 2D game development.


As the name suggests, it is an open source framework for developing 2D games. The original cocos2D was written in Python on Pyglet, but has been ported to other languages ​​and platforms.


Therefore, many of you may have used “Cocos2d-X” for C++ or “Cocos2d-XNA” for C#.

Library Game Engine 6: Panda3D

Panda3D is a game engine for 3D game development.


It is a highly functional game engine that can develop 3D games in the same way as Unity, and it is relatively easy to operate. You can develop very beautiful 3D apps and games.


However, the official website is in English, and it can be said that the disadvantage is that it is difficult to find information in Japanese.

Library Game Engine 7: Ren’Py

Ren’Py is a game engine that specializes in creating visual novels.


It is a free software game engine, and unlike popular visual novel engines like NScripter, it is widely used mainly in the English-speaking world.


In addition, Ren’Py is derived from “love game” and Python, which is a development language, and a Japanese site was opened in 2012.

Library Game Engine 8: Godot

Godot is a game engine that can be used to develop both 2D and 3D games.


An MIT-licensed open source game engine currently developed by the Godot Engine community. Because it is cross-platform, it is designed to work on various platforms such as personal computers, home game consoles, mobile phones, and the web.

Library Game Engine 9: Pyxel

Pyxel is a game engine that allows you to develop retro 2D games.


It is a 2D game development engine that supports cross-platforms, and it is equipped with tools that can make dots and music creation tools, so you can develop retro 2D games with Pyxel alone.


Also, since it has a simple structure, even beginners can start developing games relatively easily.

Advantages of game development with Python

By developing games using Python, you will be able to learn Python programming while having fun.

If you are interested in game development, you can learn the basics of Python and how to use the code necessary for game development by developing games using Python.

Also, for those who have already started studying Python, it is possible to review while trying new things.

Let’s develop a game using Python

Python is a language that can be used for development in various fields, including game development.

How about trying game development using Python by referring to the method of game development with Python introduced in this article, the library and game engine that can be used for game development with Python, and so on.



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