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5 Flows for Developing Smartphone Apps with Python | 7 Ways to Use Other Than App Development

Python is one of the programming languages, and it is used in various development environments because it is easy to read because the code can be written in a small number of lines and can be linked with other development languages.

The fact that popular applications such as Instagram and YouTube are developed with Python also shows that it is a language that is attracting a lot of attention.

Features of the Python programming language

Python, which allows you to write code with a simple syntax, is characterized by being a recommended language for beginners who want to learn programming languages.

Learning a programming language is the same as learning English in order to communicate with English-speaking people, and it is learning in line with a purpose such as creating a smartphone application.

However, it is not easy to learn from scratch, so it is preferable to learn a language that is relatively easy and widely used.

5 steps to develop a smartphone app with Python

In order to develop smartphone applications using Python, it is necessary not only to learn the code, but also to understand the development environment such as libraries and machine learning.


I will explain the flow from planning to examination registration for developing a smartphone application in Python one by one.

Flow of developing a smartphone application with Python 1: Planning

Python is highly versatile and it is no exaggeration to say that almost anything that can be done with other programming languages ​​can be realized, so it is possible to create web services such as SNS and blogs as well as corporate websites and business systems.


Therefore, when considering what kind of specifications to make a smartphone app, there are almost no restrictions on planning, so the options are widening.

Flow of developing a smartphone application with Python 2: Design

Once you have decided what kind of smartphone app to create, you need to think about the layout and movement of the screen.


As you can see from the homepage, it is difficult to use the app unless you consider the actual usability when designing, such as the arrangement of photos, the size of text, how the screen changes when you scroll, and the placement of buttons. Please note that it will be recognized as

Flow of developing a smartphone application with Python 3: Develop

Once you have designed the smartphone app, it is finally time to enter the program.


One of the features of Python is that there are many types of libraries, so selecting the appropriate library for development work will also reduce the time required for programming.

Flow of developing a smartphone application with Python 4: Test

Testing in smartphone app development is to check whether it can operate as designed or whether there are any problems with the software.


By repeatedly developing and testing using the actual smartphone and library, we will get closer to the expected operation.


It would be desirable to confirm the test on the actual smartphone on both iOS and Android.

Flow of developing a smartphone application with Python 5: Register for examination

Once you understand how to make a smartphone app and complete the work from development to testing, proceed to registration.

When publishing a smartphone application, it is necessary to clear different examination standards for iOS and Android, and in some cases, the application may be rejected even after publication.

It is desirable to check the contents firmly on the terms and conditions site etc. so that the application will not be rejected unexpectedly.

Three merits of developing smartphone applications with Python

Now that we have a general understanding of the flow of developing smartphone apps using Python, let’s deepen our understanding of its benefits.


If the advantages of the programming language are clear, there will be more areas that can be used positively in the development of smartphone applications, and development work will be smoother.

Advantage of developing with Python 1: Extensive library

There are many frameworks for smartphones implemented in Python, but it can be said that the features of those that are often used are that they are selected for their ease of learning and the functions they have.

As a Python library, Django, which is the royal road of web development, is the most used, so it is recommended.

Advantage of developing with Python 2: Easy to develop

The readability of code and the ability to create object-oriented programs, which are features of Python, will also serve as advantages for development.

Object orientation is one of the program design methodologies based on classes, and Python is a language that supports object orientation, so all data types are objects.

Easy to remember and write code leads to easy development.

Advantage of developing with Python 3: There is a lot of information

Since Python is a popular programming language, several Japanese Python books are now published every month, providing a wealth of information for learning.

In addition, the fact that Python is often seen on programming information sites also indicates the high level of attention it has received.

When you come across a problem that you don’t understand while studying, having a lot of information will make it easier to find the answer you’re looking for.

7 ways to use Python other than smartphone application development

Since Python can do almost anything that can be done with other programming languages, it can be used in a variety of ways, not just for smartphone application development.


I will introduce in detail about various things that can be done by programming with Python.


Have a solid understanding of versatility and be clear about what is possible depending on how you use it.

Various uses of Python 1: Data analysis and processing

One of the strengths of Python is its ability to perform numerical calculations and the number of systems that can be linked to it, making it excellent for analyzing and processing large amounts of data.


Examples of utilization include logistics sales strategies using big data at Rakuten Mail Order and marketing research at Macromill.


Processing huge amounts of data is not an easy task, but using Python makes it possible to create services that can handle large-scale tasks smoothly.

Various Uses of Python 2: Processing Images

Python excels in image processing and image analysis, so it is actively used in marketing, such as identifying images and dividing them into product categories, and displaying product images according to user preferences.


When dealing with images, there may be problems with data capacity, but it can be said that Python’s strength is that it can clear it.

Various Uses of Python 3: Developing Web Services

One of the features of Python, which has a rich library, is also widely used in web application development.


Use cases include Instagram and YouTube, but even for things that seem difficult to develop at first glance, such as web services that allow you to share photos and videos, you can use a Python framework to save the process. It will be possible.

Various Uses of Python 4: Artificial Intelligence Development with Machine Learning

Python has a wealth of libraries specialized in the AI ​​field, so it is possible to develop artificial intelligence using machine learning.

There are application examples such as Uber, a service that dispatches cars, and KUKA, which manufactures industrial robots incorporating AI, and the ability to handle huge amounts of data is useful in various fields.

As AI technology progresses, the development of artificial intelligence will be further utilized in order to increase services in line with the times.

Various Uses of Python 5: Scraping

Scraping is a technology that converts data extracted from a website into data that can be analyzed.It will also be able to handle big data, and it will be possible to analyze and analyze more data.


In addition, scraping is a useful technology for AI technology and machine learning, so it is necessary in fields where new data analysis is always required in a rapidly changing era.

Various uses of Python 6: Efficient work with automated operations

Python makes it possible to automate tasks in business operations and improve efficiency.

Task work is inefficient because it requires time and manpower to proceed with work, but it is also true that it cannot be avoided.

Tools such as automatic file creation and management, which are useful for automating such work, were born with Python, and they play a role in work efficiency.

The many uses of Python 7: Embedded application development

I explained that Python is a versatile programming language, which makes it useful for developing specialized applications.

Embedded applications are specialized applications that are used in the IoT field due to their ease of development and maintenance, as well as their ease of AI and machine learning.

Since the IoT field is expected to spread further in the future, the importance of Python will also increase at the same time.

Let’s develop a smartphone application with Python

With so many programming languages, it’s easy to get lost especially on which language to learn first, but Python is a recommended language in that respect as well.

However, if you want to develop only a specific thing, you should learn the language that suits you.

Let’s first develop a smartphone application with Python, which has an unknown number of possibilities.



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