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HomePython6 charms of Python that you can learn by yourself | 3...

6 charms of Python that you can learn by yourself | 3 self-study learning methods and 4 points

What language is Python

Compared to other programming languages, Python is simple, requires little to learn, and can do many things with short programs. Not only is it rich in easy-to-use standard libraries, but it is also designed so that many external libraries can be installed and used. It is a programmed programming language.

In addition to being an open source free program, Python is a language that has been attracting a lot of attention recently, especially in the field of AI.

6 things you can do with Python

There are many things you can do with Python, but here are six areas where Python is good at and useful.


All of them are in the latest trendy fields, and they are all interesting and advantageous for changing jobs and side jobs.

What you can do with Python 1: Create an Android application

You can create Android applications with Python.


Frameworks are used when creating Android apps, and since there are many frameworks that can be used with Python, select a framework from among them according to the app you want to develop and create an Android app.

There are many frameworks out there, but I generally use Django, which is open source and free, as my framework.

What you can do with Python 2: WEB service / WEB application production

With Python, you can create websites such as shopping sites and web applications.

Mercari and Instagram are the most famous in Japan. Again, this is done using freely available Python frameworks such as Django for HTML, RSS feeds, JSON, and XML.

What you can do with Python 3: Desktop application creation

Python can also be used to create desktop applications.

For example, the routine work of Excel used at work can be done with VBA, but the specifications are complicated and cannot be applied.


Therefore, you can create desktop applications that automate using versatile Python, and you can also automate routine tasks such as file management other than Excel.

What you can do with Python 4: Automatic data processing and analysis

Python allows automatic data processing and analysis/analysis.


You can process a huge amount of customer management data and sales data and use it for marketing and order forecasting.

Sales plans that have hitherto relied on intuition and experience can now be backed up by numerical data.

What Python Can Do 5: Developing Artificial Intelligence

Python is a programming language suitable for AI development that can be said to have attracted attention in the development of artificial intelligence (AI).

Python has many libraries that can be used for AI development, so we use huge amounts of data and libraries to perform machine learning and develop AI.

Banks are also promoting the use of AI to improve and streamline customer service, and the securities industry is also using AI to select stocks, making AI a familiar part of the world.

What you can do with Python 6: Automatic collection of image data and text data

Python can automatically collect image data and text data from the web.

Python has a web scraping library that automatically crawls the web and collects matching images and text data.

For example, in order to know the lowest price of a TV, I open a website that seems to be related and search.

6 charms of Python that you can learn by yourself

The appeal of Python is that the syntax is easy and simple, it is a free and open source language, and there is a lot of information about Python.

In addition, the standard library and external libraries make it easy to support other languages ​​and environments, and because it supports multiple platforms, it is easy to support existing systems and is spreading worldwide.

The charm of Python that you can learn by yourself 1: Easy to write code

Python’s syntax allows you to do a lot with simple, short code.

Simple code is easy to understand even for programs written by other people, so it is easy to refer to, and there are fewer mistakes. easier.

Also, since the program can be executed without compiling, it is also attractive that the correction work can be greatly shortened.

Self-study Python charm 2: Easy-to-read code

I wrote that Python’s syntax allows you to do a lot with simple, short code, which is also fascinating to read.

Shorter code is easier to read and understand, and there is a rule for indentation in Python rules. It is easy for people to understand.

The charm of Python that can be learned by self-study 3: Adopted worldwide

Python is also used by Google and Yahoo, and the world-famous web services YouTube, Dropbox, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Another reason for its worldwide popularity is that it can be ported directly to any major OS.

The charm of Python that can be learned by self-study 4: It can be used for free

Python is open source free software.

It is free to prepare the usage environment, create and run Python programs, and to learn, there are committee sites and teaching materials that can be used free of charge, so the introduction cost can be reduced.

There are other languages ​​that can be started for free, but commercial use often requires a fee.

The charm of Python that you can learn by yourself 5: Abundant libraries

Python has many standard libraries and external libraries, and by using them, you can create various programs quickly.

Libraries can be used even if you don’t understand the details of their contents, and the library for machine learning is particularly rich, and you can create machine learning programs without knowing the details of difficult theory.

The charm of Python that can be learned by self-study 6: Abundant learning information

As for information about Python, if you search for Python on the Internet, you will find a lot of information related to Python, and if you go to a bookstore, you will find everything from introductory books to specialized books.


There are many Python-related committee sites in Japan, so even if you have a problem, it may take some time, but there are people who can answer it.

3 ways to learn Python on your own

Python is a friendly programming language, but the main setbacks for self-taught learners are lack of motivation and having no one nearby to listen to when they hit a wall.


For this reason, it is important to choose a learning method to avoid frustration, so here are three learning methods.

Self-study Python learning method 1: Choose an easy-to-understand book / learning site

There are two methods of self-study: buying books and studying online, and learning online.

Either way, you need to choose books and sites that match your level.

If you are a beginner, you will buy from introductory books and gradually choose books that are more detailed in your field of interest. If it is a learning site, refer to the information about the learning site.

Self-study Python learning method 2: Start with the genre you are interested in

Once you learn the basics on your own, you can move on to the next step, but there are so many things you can do with Python that even if you try to do it all, you’ll end up frustrated.

The important thing in self-study is to maintain your motivation, so by starting with the genre that interests you the most, you can maintain your motivation and avoid setbacks.

Self-study Python learning method 3: Learn while actually writing code

In self-study, you learn by writing concrete code rather than abstract concepts.

Learning by writing code and running it gives you a sense of accomplishment when you do it well, and you learn how to actually use code and programs.

In self-study, if you write while referring to the simple and easy-to-understand code written by other people, you will be able to write the same simple and easy-to-understand code.

4 points for self-studying Python

The important things for self-studying Python are basic knowledge including grammar, knowledge of specialized fields, sense of purpose, and remembering functions to use.

In addition to basic knowledge, Python can be used in different fields such as web application creation, analysis tool creation, and artificial intelligence creation, so knowledge in that field is required. Consciousness is required, and actually programming requires the use of functions.

Point 1 for self-studying Python: Learn the basic grammar of Python

Python is an easy-to-understand language, but it has basic syntax such as how to use variables, flow control, lists, dictionaries, and functions, and learning them is the first step.

No matter how easy Python is, you can’t write code if you don’t know the basic syntax, and Python is an interpreted language, so you need to learn how to execute code first.

Self-Taught Python Point 2: Learn the Expertise You Need

There are many areas of what you can do with Python.

Knowledge of mathematical science and machine learning is necessary to create programs related to artificial intelligence, and knowledge of the web is required to create web applications. You will need specialized knowledge in that area.

In order to build a specific system, specialized knowledge of the system is also required.

Point 3 for self-studying Python: Decide on a purpose

There are many things you can do with Python. The content to be learned depends on the system.

Decide on your first goal, follow it up with a study plan, focus on learning relevant information, and stay motivated until you reach your goal.

Self-taught Python Point 4: Memorize frequently used functions

A function is a collection of multiple pieces of code in a single line of code.

By using functions, long code can be shortened, and simple programs can be written that are easy to read. Functions created by other people and functions created in other programs can also be reused, so functions are indispensable. .

Also, if you memorize frequently used functions, you can write programs faster and avoid writing unnecessary code.

4 points to note when self-studying Python

There are a few things to keep in mind when learning Python on your own so that you don’t get frustrated along the way.


In self-study, it is difficult to maintain motivation for a long period of time, there is no one around who can ask questions even if there is something you don’t understand. Sometimes it is difficult to grasp the image.

Points to note when self-studying Python 1: Difficult to maintain motivation

It’s hard to stay motivated when you’re self-taught, not just Python.


It is not difficult to maintain motivation if the purpose of learning is clear and it is recognized as important, but if the purpose is ambiguous and there is no enforcement, it will be difficult to maintain motivation and setbacks will occur.


Especially in the case of self-study, it is easy to get frustrated because there are friends and there is no compulsory situation like school, so be careful.

Note 2 when learning Python on your own: There is no one around to ask questions

When studying at a school, if there is something you don’t understand, you can ask a pinpoint question and get an answer immediately, so you can overcome the wall, but if you are self-studying, you can find the answer by yourself and overcome the wall. must be overcome.

There are ways to find out what you don’t understand by looking up the internet or reference books, or by asking questions in committees, but in many cases you can’t find a pinpoint answer, and it takes time and effort, and it’s easy to get frustrated.

Note 3 when self-studying Python: You can’t write code that is easy to read in the field

It is possible to write code that simply works with practice, but in order to write code that is easy to read in the field, it will not be easy to read unless others evaluate what you have written in practice.

Easy-to-read code is completed by repeating the work of receiving evaluations by others and correcting them.

You can practice by yourself, but it’s difficult to get others to evaluate your code, so it’s difficult to make your code easy to read.

Points to note when self-studying Python 4: It is difficult to grasp the whole picture of programming

When learning Python by yourself, it is difficult to grasp the whole picture of programming.

In order to grasp the big picture, it is necessary to understand new terminology and programming concepts, and if it is not an extension of conventional knowledge, it requires a lot of time and effort, and conversely, there is a conventional way of thinking. Therefore, you may be frustrated because you cannot accept the concept of Python.

Learn Python on your own

Python is easier than other languages, and it is a very useful programming language that can be used to create AI and web applications, which are popular these days, so it is a language worth learning in the future.

When it comes to learning, self-study has advantages such as being able to keep costs down and being able to learn at your own level without being bound by time.



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