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AI visualizes what you want to do and what you can do!


From July 20, 2022, LAPRAS Co., Ltd. has launched a AI job change self-analysis tool “Skills & Wills Map” that visualizes what engineers want to do and what they can do with AI.

“Skills & Wills Map” analyzes job resumes with AI and visualizes them in an easy-to-understand manner with visual representations such as charts and pictures from four important perspectives in career building. By recognizing your own skills and experiences in an easy-to-understand manner, you can effectively analyze and organize what you want to do and what you can do. “Skills & Wills Map” can be used free of charge on the career matching platform ” LAPRAS “.

Table of Contents 

  • Background of the release
  • Job change self-analysis function “Skills & Wills Map”
  • Use scene

Background of the release

In proportion to the digitization of society, the shortage of engineers is progressing, and at the same time, the number of engineers who want to change jobs is increasing. In the current general selection process for changing jobs, there are many cases where document screening is performed only on job resumes, and when changing jobs, “what you want to do and what you can do” may not be correctly communicated. There are 3 main reasons for this:

I can’t put into words what I want to do and what I can do on my own.

Even if you think about your motivation for changing jobs on your own, there are many things that you can’t explain at the interview because you can’t be specific about what you want to do or what you can do.

I can’t express myself well in my resume

It is difficult to convey what you really want to do in a written format such as a job resume.

The IT knowledge of corporate recruiters and career change agents cannot keep up

Due to the rapid changes in technology in the IT industry, recruiters and job change agents lack IT knowledge and may not be able to communicate well.

Job change self-analysis function “Skills & Wills Map”

The job change self-analysis function “Skills & Wills Map” is a new career expression method that replaces job resumes. With this function, simply by uploading a job resume, AI automatically analyzes and visualizes it from the four perspectives of technology, business, role, and organization, which are important when considering careers such as changing jobs. Then, you can edit the visualized things yourself, create a map that organizes what you want to do and what you can do, and use it when changing jobs.

Use scene


You can think more effectively about what you want to do and what you can do because you can visualize what you want to do and what you can do more simply than the text of a conventional job resume. Based on what AI has visualized, you can organize your thoughts while editing.

Job interview

By using the MAP created with “Skills & Wills Map” when interviewing with agents or corporate recruiters, you will be able to clearly communicate your transition and abilities, and eliminate mismatches when changing jobs can be prevented.


What is an AI algorithm?


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