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HomeProgrammingIs programming valid? Introducing five mechanisms for acquiring logical thinking

Is programming valid? Introducing five mechanisms for acquiring logical thinking

What is logical thinking

Logical thinking, also known as logical thinking, is a way of thinking about things.Logical thinking, as the name suggests, is to think about things logically, and by acquiring logical thinking, you will develop analytical skills and the ability to organize and construct information.

In the business world, there are many situations where logical thinking is required, so being able to think logically as a member of society is an advantage.

Difference from lateral thinking

Lateral thinking is translated as horizontal thinking in Japanese, and is a way of thinking that expands ideas by removing assumptions.In addition to logical thinking, logical thinking is also called vertical thinking, and the axis of thinking is different from lateral thinking.

Lateral thinking does not consider presuppositions and expands ideas freely, so to speak, but logical thinking starts with existing concepts as a base and delves into the problem, so there is only one conclusion.

What is programming

Programming is simply the work of creating a program, and it is the act of instructing the computer to proceed with processing step by step.


The computer itself is nothing more than a box packed with machines, and in order for the computer to calculate and operate, it is necessary to use commands to specify actions such as “calculate” and “move one square to the right” by programming. otherwise it won’t work.

The difference between programming thinking and logical thinking

It is said that “programming teaches you to think logically” and “people who can think logically are suitable for programming”, but programming thinking and logical thinking are not synonymous.

Although there is a common point of “thinking things in order”, programming thinking “finds the optimum method while carrying out to achieve the goal”, whereas logical thinking “achieves the goal” After conducting an analysis for the purpose, we will assemble the procedure.

5 reasons why logical thinking is important at work

In the business world, being able to think logically is valued, but why is logical thinking required?

Here are five reasons why logical thinking is so important in the business world. After understanding the reason why it is required, let’s think about whether you can think logically, and if not, how you can acquire it.

Why logical thinking is important at work 1: You can do your work efficiently

When you think logically, you can analyze the current situation based on preconceived notions and build procedures to achieve your goals. can proceed.

If people who can’t think logically do the same work, they will end up repeating the same mistakes as in the past, spending time on useless work, and it will take a lot of time and money to reach a result. put away.

Why logical thinking is important at work 2: Improve your problem-solving skills

In the way of proceeding with work based on logical thinking, rather than simply assembling work procedures and carrying them out, once the work is considered after analyzing the goal of the purpose, it is easy to grasp the situation and solve problems. It will be speedy.

When a problem occurs, we can not only solve the problem on the surface, but also understand the root of the problem, so we can lead to a fundamental solution.

Reason 3 why logical thinking is important at work: increase productivity

If you can think logically, you will not only be able to work efficiently, but you will also be able to maintain your motivation for work by eliminating wasteful work, and increase the productivity of your work as a whole.

If the hard work ends up in vain, or if it is no longer needed in the middle of the work, it will be stressful for the worker and their motivation will decrease. If you can work while feeling the results of your work, you can improve your productivity.

Reason 4: Thinking logically at work is important: It reduces stress

By constructing work procedures through logical thinking, wasteful work is eliminated and the stress associated with work is reduced because work can be carried out with an understanding of the meaning of each work.

Since you can work without feeling stressed, you will not be dissatisfied with your work, and you will be able to work enthusiastically.

Why logical thinking is important at work 5: Improve your communication skills

Some people may misunderstand “the ability to think logically” as “arguing” and imagine people who are difficult to communicate with. However, a person who is “arguing” is not a person who can think logically.

A person who can think logically can analyze and correctly understand what the other person is saying, and can accurately convey what he or she wants to say or what needs to be said after thinking about how to convey it.You communicate in a way that the other person can understand, so it doesn’t sound like an argument.

5 mechanisms to acquire logical thinking in programming

Although the roots of programming thinking and logical thinking are different, it is said that learning programming makes it easier to acquire logical thinking.


Here, I will explain the mechanism of how logical thinking is acquired by learning programming.

Mechanism for Acquiring Logical Thinking 1: Considering the Order of Processing

In programming, we identify the processing elements and consider in what order the identified elements should be executed in order to obtain the expected results.


This work leads to the analysis and sequencing of preconceived notions required for logical thinking.


In both logical thinking and programming, there are two parts: “The result will be different if the order is different” and “The same result can be obtained even if the order is changed”, but there is only one conclusion. Become.

Mechanism for Acquiring Logical Thinking 2: Processing Efficiently

Whether programming or logical thinking, the final result is one, but there are multiple possible processes leading to the result.


For example, for the problem of “starting with 1 and reaching 9 after performing the four arithmetic operations several times”, there is a method of adding 9 to 1, or adding 100 to 1 and subtracting 91.


In programming, you learn to process simply, so you can train yourself to choose the best method from among multiple methods.

Mechanism for Acquiring Logical Thinking 3: Changing Processing According to Conditions

In the programming process, the concept of “conditional branching”, which selects appropriate processing depending on conditions, is often used.This “conditional branching” is one way of thinking based on logical thinking.


As you proceed with programming, you are using logical thinking without being conscious of it.

Mechanism for Acquiring Logical Thinking 4: Be sure to complete the process

In programming, you must always derive a result. No program ends without leaving a result.


The characteristic of programming that when processing is started, it always ends after processing is completed, leads to the characteristic of “thinking thoroughly until a solution is found” of logical thinking used for problem solving.

Mechanism for Acquiring Logical Thinking 5: Understanding Process Details

In programming, you understand the content of the program you are writing, and work toward the goal that the program will behave as expected.By experiencing programming, you will get into the habit of understanding each process and proceeding with the work.


Logical thinking does not only look at the goal, but it is necessary to grasp all the problems in front of you, such as analyzing existing concepts and considering processing procedures. Habits come alive.

6 logical thinking skills to train outside of programming

Logical thinking can be trained not only by learning programming, but also by making a little ingenuity in everyday life.


Here, I will introduce a way to cultivate logical thinking in a non-programming way. Even for those who have no programming experience, it is a training method that can be easily started, so why not try it now?

Logical Thinking Trained Outside of Programming 1: Questioning Everything

Instead of dismissing what you see and hear in your daily life as just a daily scene, let’s start by questioning everything.


Instead of terminating a phone call from a friend by assuming that they have something to do, ask yourself questions such as, “Why did my friend call me?” Why?

Logical thinking trained outside of programming 2: Talking from the conclusion

Try to talk about important things first.What you want to convey the most to the other party, such as a court judgment or a headline of a news article, should be conveyed first in a conspicuous manner.


If you try to start with the conclusion, you will get the other person to focus on the most important thing, and it will be easier to convey the content. After conveying the conclusion, it is necessary to explain the detailed content and process that serve as the basis for the conclusion, so it is necessary to use logical thinking.

Logical thinking trained outside of programming 3: Use words that are easy for the other party to understand

Some people often use difficult loanwords and technical terms when explaining or reporting, but these people lack logical thinking.Logical thinking is nurtured by training to avoid difficult words such as abstract words and technical terms and replace them with easy-to-understand words.

Logical Thinking Trained Outside of Programming 4: Speak Clearly and Concisely

In order to acquire logical thinking, try to avoid ambiguity and speak clearly and concisely on a daily basis.Avoid vague remarks such as “I think so” or “I think so”, and try to make remarks based on evidence.


Also, avoid abstract expressions such as “he was a very small person” as much as possible. If you say, “He was a small person with a height of about 150 cm,” it would be more specific.

Logical Thinking Trained Outside of Programming 5: Write Out and Organize

When using logical thinking, you may write down the elements of preconceived notions and the conditions leading up to problem solving.


During logical thinking training, even if you can’t write as accurate a logic tree as used in logical thinking, write down elements, problems, conditions, etc. and connect them with related elements to get closer to logical thinking. I can do it.

Logical Thinking Trained Outside of Programming 6: Assuming Counterarguments

In the process of analyzing and understanding questions found in daily life and business, you can broaden your thinking by anticipating counterarguments and considering countermeasures against them. increase.


By preparing multiple options and analyzing the individual grounds and counterarguments, you can find multiple countermeasures and breakthroughs for possible events, so it is a training of logical thinking.

Let’s start programming to train logical thinking

Logical thinking can also be trained by understanding its characteristics and incorporating it into daily life.If you learn programming, you will gradually be trained without being conscious of “logical thinking”.


The program itself is not something that can be learned easily, but by learning programming, you will not only be able to program, but also acquire logical thinking. It should be an effort to get “two birds with one stone” in aiming for quality improvement and career advancement.



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