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HomeProgrammingWhat is artificial intelligence? Introducing the 9 best programming languages ​​for development!

What is artificial intelligence? Introducing the 9 best programming languages ​​for development!

What is artificial intelligence anyway?

Artificial intelligence is a term that refers to systems designed to behave intelligently like humans.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an abbreviation of “Artificial Intelligence”, and the definition is not firmly established even among experts.

According to philosopher John Searle, there are “strong AI” and “weak AI” within artificial intelligence, and strong AI can think like humans and can truly understand problems. it is said to be possible.

Knowledge of programming language required

A programming language is required to develop artificial intelligence.

In the field of artificial intelligence development, machine learning and data analysis are essential fields, but in order to perform machine learning, you will use a program developed using a programming language. Therefore, if you want to go into the field of artificial intelligence, programming language skills are essential.

9 Best Languages ​​for Programming Artificial Intelligence

Here are the best languages ​​for programming artificial intelligence.

Programming is essential for the development of artificial intelligence, but the number of programming languages ​​is enormous. Also, each language has its own characteristics, and some are suitable for developing artificial intelligence, while others are not.


Here, we will introduce 9 languages ​​that are most suitable for programming artificial intelligence, so why not refer to what languages ​​are available?

Artificial intelligence programming language 1: JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language that excels at developing artificial intelligence in web browsers.


JavaScript is popular because it can implement various processes on the browser side, but using JavaScript makes it possible to use machine learning from a web browser.


Libraries include “Keras.js” and “TensorFlow.js”, and by using these, you can use the GPU from the browser.

Artificial Intelligence Programming Language 2: Haskell

Haskell is a pure functional language that is less prone to bugs.


Unlike general programming languages, Haskell is not a programming language widely used for developing applications. However, since it is extremely bug-free and safe, it is used in systems such as stocks and foreign exchange transactions used by financial institutions.


Haskell has also been adopted for the development of artificial intelligence, as machine learning requires mathematical skills.

Artificial intelligence programming language 3: Python

Python is the standard programming language for artificial intelligence development.


Python is a language that is attracting attention because it has a library specializing in machine learning and is suitable for developing artificial intelligence. Therefore, if you want to go into the field of artificial intelligence, it is recommended to learn Python.


Besides the field of artificial intelligence, Python is also widely used for game and web application development.

Artificial Intelligence Programming Language 4: Java

Java is a programming language characterized by high versatility.


Since it runs on a virtual machine called JVM, it can run without depending on the OS. Therefore, it is a language that is highly versatile and has the top share in the world.


Java has machine learning libraries such as Java-ML, and it is also used in the field of artificial intelligence because it can incorporate artificial intelligence technology into systems using the JVM.

Artificial Intelligence Programming Language 5: Julia

Julia is a latecomer programming language that is attracting attention in the field of machine learning.


Julia is a latecomer language and features a simple and beautiful syntax that incorporates various good points of other programming languages.


In addition, although it is a script language, it can operate at high speed, and Python libraries can be used from Julia, so the development of the language has progressed in recent years.

Artificial intelligence programming language 6: C

C language is a programming language that can utilize hardware resources.


Unlike other programming languages, the C language requires coding that considers hardware resources such as memory and CPU, so it is a language that is difficult to learn.


However, the C language is suitable for the development of artificial intelligence because the processing speed is fast and the development of artificial intelligence requires the use of hardware resources.

Artificial Intelligence Programming Language 7: R

The R language is a programming language specialized for statistical analysis.


R is a language that is attracting attention in fields such as data analysis and statistics, and like Python, artificial intelligence algorithms can be used easily with libraries.


Unlike general programming languages, the R language is not suitable for application development, but it is useful when you want to do data analysis. However, using R requires specialized knowledge.

Artificial Intelligence Programming Language 8: SQL

SQL is a database language used to store and retrieve data.


It is a language that can operate databases, and since the standards have been standardized, it can be used regardless of the type of database.


Machine learning, which is used in the development of artificial intelligence, handles huge amounts of big data, so SQL is an essential language for manipulating data.

Artificial Intelligence Programming Language 9: C++

C++ is a very fast programming language.


It is a language that extends the functions of the C language, and basically what can be done in C can also be done in C++. Also, as with C language, it is necessary to understand memory management, etc., so it is more difficult to learn.


However, since it can achieve the highest level of speed among programming languages, it is sometimes used together with C++ when developing artificial intelligence with Python.

Three necessary knowledge other than programming languages

We will introduce the knowledge necessary for artificial intelligence other than programming languages

So far, we have introduced the programming languages ​​necessary for artificial intelligence, but what other knowledge is necessary for artificial intelligence?

Lastly, I would like to introduce three necessary knowledge other than programming languages, so please refer to them.

Non-Programming Language Knowledge 1: Algorithms

Algorithms are mathematical procedures or calculation methods that enable computers to perform processes that are impossible for humans.

In the development of artificial intelligence, computers learn by themselves through machine learning, enabling them to find patterns and features from large amounts of data.

To do so, algorithms need to process a huge amount of data, so algorithms are essential if you want to go into the field of artificial intelligence.

Knowledge other than programming languages ​​2: Machine learning

Machine learning is a technology that enables computers to learn from huge amounts of data, such as data analysis and prediction.

For machine learning, there are “supervised learning” that uses data with correct answers to learn, “unsupervised learning” that uses data without correct answers, and value output data to maximize the value. There are three types of learning methods called “reinforcement learning” that enable the behavior of

Knowledge other than programming languages ​​3: Deep learning

Deep learning is one of the fields of machine learning and one of the neural network algorithms.

Deep learning is a machine learning technique that uses multi-layered neural networks to enhance learning ability. A neural network is a mathematical model that mimics the structure of the human brain, and deep learning is a representative algorithm that constitutes artificial intelligence.

Programming is essential for the development of artificial intelligence

To work in artificial intelligence, you need programming language skills suitable for developing artificial intelligence.

How about deepening your understanding of artificial intelligence by referring to the optimal language for programming artificial intelligence introduced in this article and the knowledge required in addition to programming languages?



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