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HomeData ScienceWill AI eliminate jobs? Introducing jobs that will never go away in...

Will AI eliminate jobs? Introducing jobs that will never go away in 2022!


There may be some people who are worried that jobs may disappear due to AI.

As DX is being used to improve work efficiency, I can’t shake the anxiety that my job will disappear in the future. In this article, we explain the jobs that are likely to be replaced by AI, the jobs that are unlikely to be replaced, and the skills that will become important in the future.

Through this article, let’s deepen our understanding of AI and understand what only humans can do and what abilities are important.

Table of Contents

  • Reasons why people say jobs will disappear due to AI
  • Is it a lie that jobs will be lost due to AI?
  • 100 occupations where AI is likely to replace jobs
  • Characteristics of jobs replaced by AI
    • Simple task
    • No communication needed
  • Where humans are better than AI
    • Creativity
    • Sensibility
  • 5 jobs that are unlikely to disappear in the AI ​​era
    • Data scientist
    • AI engineer
    • Consultant
    • Care workers
    • Counselor
  • Skills to be Acquired as AI Develops
  • In conclusion

Reasons why people say jobs will disappear due to AI

The impetus for people to say that AI will eliminate jobs in Japan is a paper jointly researched and published by the University of Oxford and Nomura Research Institute.

The content of the report is shocking, stating that “the occupations in which about 49% of the Japanese working population will be in 2030-2040 can be replaced by artificial intelligence and robots”.

With this announcement, the public has become active in discussions about jobs that can and cannot be replaced by AI, and various speculations have started to fly.

Is it a lie that jobs will be lost due to AI?

As mentioned earlier, research has shown that 49% of jobs may disappear between 2030 and 2040, and it is true that some jobs will disappear due to AI.

However, not all jobs will be taken over by AI, and there are many jobs that cannot be replaced by AI.

Therefore, it is very important to carefully investigate and judge whether your current job may be replaced by AI.

100 occupations where AI is likely to replace jobs

In addition to the fact that various jobs will be replaced by AI in the future, we learned that there are both jobs that will be replaced and jobs that will not be replaced.

The figure above introduces 100 occupations that may be replaced by AI. This is the result of joint research by the University of Oxford and Nomura Research Institute.

The occupations that are likely to be replaced have characteristics, which are explained below.

Characteristics of jobs replaced by AI

There are two characteristics of jobs that can be replaced by AI.

  1. Simple task
  2. No communication

I will explain the above two points.

Simple task

One of the characteristics of the work that will be replaced by AI is that the work content is simple work. There are two main reasons why AI will replace menial jobs.

  • AI has higher work efficiency and accuracy
  • Reduce labor costs

The first point is that AI has higher work efficiency and accuracy than humans. Mistakes are inevitable in the work done by humans, but AI is a machine, so as long as there are no mistakes in the AI ​​design itself, it will work perfectly.

Also, when humans work, there are times when they do not work, such as resting, sleeping, and going to the bathroom. On the other hand, AI can continue to move 24 hours a day without resting even for a minute.

Therefore, entrusting simple tasks to AI has the advantage of improving efficiency and accuracy for companies.

The second reason why simple work is replaced by AI is that it can reduce labor costs.

However, at the same time, the introduction cost of AI will be incurred, so even if the labor cost can be reduced, the overall cost of the company will not necessarily decrease.

Therefore, while labor cost reduction is an advantage for companies, in order to lead to cost reduction for the entire company, it is necessary that the cost of introducing AI is less than the labor cost that is reduced.

No communication needed

Jobs that do not require communication are likely to be replaced by AI. A job that does not require communication is, in other words, a job or task that can be completed by one person.

For example, data entry can be done by one person, so there is no need to communicate with colleagues at meetings.

Although there are parts in common with the simple work mentioned above, many of the jobs and operations that can be completed by one person do not require advanced technology, and there are many jobs that can be done automatically by AI.

Therefore, there is a good chance that jobs that do not require communication will be replaced by AI.

Where humans are better than AI

Jobs that cannot be replaced by AI are jobs that require human beings to have better abilities than AI.

Here are two things humans do better than AI.

  1. Creativity
  2. Sensibility

I will explain each.


Creativity is an ability that humans outperform AI. Creativity is the ability to create new things in a unique way.

The reason why humans have greater creativity than AI is that AI acquires abilities by learning the characteristics and patterns of existing data, so it is very difficult to create “new things”. It’s because I’m not good at it.

For example, it is possible to efficiently collect and analyze data using AI, but only humans can think about how to use the information obtained and what to create.

As described above, humans have definitely surpassed AI in the ability of AI to be creative.


The sensibility here is “the ability to perceive the thoughts and feelings of others using the five senses”. Sensitivity is a property unique to humans, and it is currently impossible to give AI the same sensitivity as humans.

The excellent sensibilities that humans have are especially useful in situations where deep communication is required.

For example, counselors need to read the other person’s thoughts and feelings from the other person’s facial expressions, tone of voice, gestures, etc. in conversation.

However, AI cannot do this kind of work because it does not have the sensibility to read the thoughts and feelings of others.

Therefore, humans are superior to AI in that they have the sensitivity required for a wide range of jobs.

5 Jobs that are unlikely to disappear in the AI ​​era

It turns out that humans outperform AI in terms of creativity and sensitivity.

Finally, based on the above, I will introduce five jobs that are unlikely to disappear in the AI ​​era.

  1. Data scientist
  2. AI engineer
  3. Consultant
  4. Care workers
  5. Counselor

I will introduce each of them.

Data scientist

The first job that is unlikely to disappear in the AI ​​era is that of a data scientist.

The reason why the data scientist’s job will not disappear is that it is necessary to support decision-making by making all kinds of interpretations from the analyzed data.

The work of data collection and analysis itself may be replaced by AI, but humans are better at deriving the necessary interpretation from it and advising decision makers, as they have creativity and communication skills. .

Therefore, even if some of the data scientist’s work may be replaced by AI, it is very unlikely that it will be replaced entirely.

AI engineer

An AI engineer is a profession that develops, maintains, and operates AI programs, and is a profession that will surely increase jobs in the AI ​​era.

As mentioned earlier, simple tasks and jobs that do not require communication are likely to be replaced by AI, and as replacement progresses, the demand for AI will increase.

Therefore, the jobs of AI engineers will increase even more in the future.


There are various types of consultants, but management consultants in particular are unlikely to be replaced by AI.

Management consultants support the management of client companies in making very important decisions that affect the future of the company.

It is believed that humans are superior in the ability to build relationships of trust with clients, understand the situation through consultation, and make proposals.

However, it is difficult for AI to build a relationship of trust with management in the way consultants do, so it is considered unlikely that consultants will be replaced by AI.

Care workers

In the future, even if AI will be introduced to nursing care jobs, the job of nursing care will not disappear.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, about 2.11 million people are currently working as care workers, but it is said that about 2.33 million care workers will be needed by 2023.

This fact is strongly related to the declining birthrate and aging population, but the shortage of nursing care workers is expected to become more serious in the future.

In response to the current social problem of the shortage of nursing care staff, efforts such as improving work efficiency and reducing the burden of manual labor through the introduction of AI will be actively implemented.

However, what is required of care workers is not only physical care and life management, but also mental support through conversation and interaction with the elderly is an important role.

Therefore, AI can assist caregivers, but cannot completely replace them.


The reason why counselors will not be replaced by AI is that the above-mentioned “sensitivity” that humans are superior to AI is the most necessary occupation.

Counselors must accurately read the other person’s situation, thoughts, and emotions through deep dialogue with the person seeking advice, and must formulate conversations and give advice according to the other person.

Excellent sensibility is necessary to read the thoughts and feelings of the other party, and AI does not have that “sensibility” at the moment.

Therefore, it is very unlikely that counselors will be replaced by AI.

Skills to be Acquired as AI Develops

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is conducting a survey of experts on the skills required in the modern age of AI utilization. The results are shown in the table above and are as follows:

  • Human qualities such as challenging spirit, independence, ability to take action, and insight
  • Planning ideas and creativity
  • Interpersonal skills such as communication skills and coaching
  • Ability to perform tasks such as information processing ability, problem-solving ability, and logical thinking
  • Basic aptitudes such as language skills, comprehension, and expressiveness

The above are abilities that are needed in any era, but they are especially important in the AI ​​era, and the above three abilities are unique to humans.

As mentioned earlier, humans are superior to AI in creativity and sensibility, and the above-mentioned interpersonal skills such as planning and creativity, communication skills, and coaching are directly linked to creativity and sensibility.

From the above, it can be said that it is very important to acquire the abilities that only humans, not AI, can have as AI develops.

In conclusion

This time, we have introduced the background behind why it is said that jobs will disappear due to the development of AI, the characteristics of jobs that will disappear, specific examples of jobs that will not disappear, and even the skills necessary to survive in the AI ​​era. rice field.

It is true that some jobs will disappear due to the development of AI, but it is not necessarily a bad thing.

There is a good chance that the use of AI will allow us to use the time that humans used to spend on other, more creative and productive activities, and that society will achieve better development.



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