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HomeDigital TransformationAn easy-to-understand explanation of cart ASP that can be used on EC...

An easy-to-understand explanation of cart ASP that can be used on EC sites!

I think there are people who want to build an EC site but cannot open an EC site because they do not have the knowledge to develop a system.

Cart ASP is recommended for such people.

This time, we will introduce the benefits of introducing Cart ASP and the selection points.


  • What is Cart ASP
  • Advantages of introducing Cart ASP
    • Site can be operated without specialized knowledge
    • Cheaper than other cart systems
  • Cart ASP selection points
    • Extensibility and options for customizing functions
    • Operability
  • Recommended Cart ASP
    • Lipist
    • MakeShop
    • shop serve
  • summary

What is Cart ASP

First of all, ASP is an abbreviation for “Application Service Provider”, which is a service provided via the Internet and its provider.

Cart ASP provides cloud-based services necessary for building EC sites, such as shopping cart functions and website creation.

Unlike the full-scratch cart system that builds an EC site from scratch, Cart ASP introduces the functions necessary for building an EC site on a rental basis.

Advantages of introducing Cart ASP

Site can be operated without specialized knowledge

Many of the cart ASP services come standard with useful functions for EC site management, such as product functions that post product information and purchase functions that allow you to perform everything from purchase procedures to payments.

Therefore, even if you do not have the knowledge necessary to build a site, you can easily open the site by introducing Cart ASP.

Cheaper than other cart systems

Cart ASP has lower initial and running costs than other cart systems.

The initial cost of Cart ASP is from free to tens of thousands of yen, and the monthly fee is about 1,000 to 20,000 yen.

Some systems have no initial or monthly fees, so you can try them out and open an EC site.

Cart ASP selection points

Extensibility and options for customizing functions

In operating an EC site, there are renewals and additions of functions according to sales.

However, Cart ASP has limited customizability of functions compared to the “package type” that buys and operates the system itself.

Recent cart ASP systems have flexible site expansion functions, so before introducing cart ASP, check the expandability and options of each system.


When choosing a cart ASP, choose a system that anyone can easily operate.

The merit of introducing Cart ASP is that even beginners can easily build a site as I mentioned earlier.

However, if the site editing and registration work is complicated, the cart ASP merit of easy site construction cannot be utilized.

Some systems offer free trials before implementation.

When choosing a cart ASP, choose a system that can be started for free and try the operability before choosing.

Recommended Cart ASP


  • LP integrated purchase form to maximize CYR
  • Four functions that can be selected according to the scale
  • Advertisement cost-effectiveness at a glance


  • Internet shop / EC site construction service with No. 1 shop sales for 9 consecutive years
  • Industry-leading number of functions
  • You can expect to attract users from a customer base that has never existed before by linking with SNS
shop serve
  • Realize full-fledged e-commerce at our own head office with a view to the future with high speed, stability, and reduced labor costs
  • Products can be exchanged in bulk
  • Full-time support from dedicated staff even after the store opens!


This time, we introduced cart ASP that supports EC site construction.

Let’s build a site that introduces cart ASP and leads to increased sales.



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