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HomeDigital TransformationCommentary on Ogiri by AI | Introducing excellent answer examples!

Commentary on Ogiri by AI | Introducing excellent answer examples!

Do you know AI Ogiri? AI Ogiri is entertainment using artificial intelligence that automatically generates interesting answers according to the “theme” given by the user. 

What happens when AI processes human “laughter”? In this article, we will introduce such AI Ogiri.

Table of Contents 

  • What is AI Ogiri?
    • “I am” Co., Ltd.
    • How AI generates Ogiri
  • 3 AI Ogiri services
    • Twitter account “Ogiri β”
    • LINE version “Ogiri artificial intelligence”
  • 10 Excellent Answers from AI Ogiri
    • do you want to eat? To take a bath? Or ○○?
    • Why the Soviet Union collapsed
    •  Anpanman’s secret that no one can tell
    •  Less than friends than lovers
    •  King crab
    •  What are the new Olympic sports?
    • The secret to becoming good at music games
    • A word from a thief who fell while running away
    • A shocking word from a doctor
    • Keep this Santa Claus away from children
  • My AI Ogiri
    • Content co-created by users and AI
  •  summary

What is AI Ogiri?

AI Ogiri uses artificial intelligence that returns interesting reactions and answers to the “theme” given by the user.

The most famous one is an AI developed by “Watashiwa” Inc., which was released on Twitter in 2016.

“I am” Co., Ltd.

In 2016, “Watashiwa” Inc. announced an AI (Ogiri β) that responds to the user’s “theme” on twitter. Many users used AI Ogiri, and interesting answers and excellent exchanges became a hot topic.

The company that developed this Ogiri β, “I am”, is a company that develops services centered on AI Ogiri, and has developed various interesting AIs with the goal of “creating new communication with artificial intelligence”. doing.

How AI generates Ogiri

The AI ​​developed by “Watashiwa” Co., Ltd. returns an interesting blur in a very natural interaction. How do you automatically generate such Ogiri?

In order to create an AI that generates Ogiri, it is first necessary to mechanically process human humor.

Therefore, we first prepare data that includes features that humans find interesting (bokeh and humor) and normal data (without humor), and let the AI ​​learn those features.

When this learning is performed on a large amount of data, the AI ​​will gradually generate various interesting answers.

Ultimately, it will generate answers that are “human-like” and interesting enough to create the illusion that AI is thinking consciously.

3 AI Ogiri services

In this chapter, we will introduce three Ogiri services developed by “Watashiwa” Co., Ltd.

Twitter account “Ogiri β”

First of all, it is “Ogiri β” , which was the first AI of “Watashiwa” Co., Ltd. This is available on twitter.

If you post a “theme (text)” or “photo” to the official account @ogiribeta, you will receive an answer generated by artificial intelligence.

If you post an interesting example of an answer with your thoughts on twitter, you may get retweets on this official account.

In addition, the people who run this account, “Middle people”, send out interesting information every day, so be sure to check it out.

LINE version “Ogiri artificial intelligence”

The LINE version of “Ogiri Artificial Intelligence” is the latest version of twitter’s Ogiri beta. You can use it by adding the official account as a friend. And if you send messages, images, and stamps, you will get interesting answers.

In addition, the LINE version has a “training menu”. This is a system in which the AI’s Ogiri level grows as the user answers the “today’s theme”. It is also possible to see the answer by AI of “today’s topic”.


“BOTTOKE” is an app that creates funny words and competes with AI. The app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store.

In Botke, you sort the word cards and decide whether the words created by AI or the words you created are more interesting.

You can leave the victory or defeat to AI, or you can post it on Twitter and ask your friends.

10 Excellent Answers from AI Ogiri

Next, as an example of AI Ogiri’s answer, we will introduce 10 excellent answers based on the tweets that received a great response.


My AI Ogiri

Finally, I would like to introduce the vision of AI Ogiri.

What kind of future is “Watashiwa”, which has been sending out AI Ogiri services such as Ogiri β, one after another?

Content co-created by users and AI

In October 2020, “I am” announced that it will start a user-generated advertising (CGAd) business with a new AI service.

The company focused on the play that users spontaneously generated by sharing screenshots of Ogiri AI’s interesting answers on Twitter.

With this experience as a reference, we started the CGAd (User Generated Advertisement) business, which includes advertising and brand information, mainly in the process of expanding content on SNS.

“I am” Co., Ltd. defines its content as “content co-created by users and AI”.

As a company that develops AI content that involves users in this way, “Watashiwa” Co., Ltd. is expected to further develop.


AI Ogiri is a wonderful entertainment that brings us “laughter” through AI technology.

In addition, studying the mechanism of laughter leads us to the fundamental question of what human “laughter” is.

AI Ogiri is thus a very interesting topic. We recommend that you use this article as an opportunity to play with AI Ogiri.



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