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A must-read for warehouse managers! Introducing efficiency ideas based on the work content of warehouse management

Manufacturing and sales businesses that handle products have their own warehouses and manage raw materials and products.

Goods management of a company is an important business, and it is greatly related to the profit of the company.

In this article, we will introduce specific ideas for improving efficiency in warehouse management from the work content of warehouse management that is essential for goods management.


  • Warehouse management job description
  • Why You Need Warehouse Management
  • Ideas for improving warehouse management efficiency
    • Change and improve warehouse layout
    • Review of location management methods for inventory and parcels
    • Create a picking list
    • Inventory using barcodes and IC tags
    • Introduction of WMS (warehouse management system)
  • Advantages of WMS (Warehouse Management System) Introduction
    • Easy to change location and effective use of warehouse space
    • Information such as inventory status can be visualized
    • Information can be shared in real time
    • Cost reduction
  • Don’t fail! WMS (warehouse management system) selection points
  • WMS (warehouse management system) comparison introduction
    • Comprehensive functions and support system “Cloud Thomas” created by a logistics company
    • General-purpose type “W-KEEPER” with abundant industry-specific functions
    • Warehouse management “W3 SIRIUS” that collectively manages multiple locations
  • If you want to compare more warehouse management system tools
  • Realize efficient warehouse management!

Warehouse management job description

The main tasks of warehouse management are:

  • Unloading work
  • Inspection work
  • Delivery within the warehouse
  • picking work
  • Sorting work
  • Accumulation confirmation work
  • packing work
  • loading work
  • Inventory and shipping/receiving management
  • Create an inventory table

In this way, warehouse management will manage general warehouse operations, such as managing inventory, managing equipment and personnel in the warehouse.

Why You Need Warehouse Management

Through warehouse management, we manage the inventory of products and raw materials, the allocation of materials and personnel in the warehouse, and improve the efficiency of the warehouse.
Thorough warehouse management prevents logistics errors such as wrong shipments and shipping delays, and maintains the quality of service.

Ideas for improving warehouse management efficiency

It is difficult to carry out warehouse management operations with a unified system in a company.
Since product storage methods and rules differ depending on the site, it is necessary to find a suitable management method for each site.
Below, I will explain ideas that can efficiently manage such warehouses.

Change and improve warehouse layout

Changing the layout of the warehouse is one of the measures to improve efficiency.
After grasping the location of the inventory and cargo, we carefully examine whether there is anything that is difficult to understand, or whether there is a place where the work flow line for picking can be shortened.

Review of location management methods for inventory and parcels

Managing which packages are on which shelves is important in all operations such as warehousing, shipping, and inventory.

There are mainly two methods of location management: “fixed location”, which fixes the shelf for each product, and “free location”, which flexibly changes the storage location according to the warehouse situation.

Create a picking list

Creating a picking list that describes each storage location makes picking easier even for first-time workers. As a result, it leads to the standardization of operations, which leads to the reduction of labor costs.

Inventory using barcodes and IC tags

Manual inventory takes time and effort. Mistakes are likely to occur, and double-checking requires a lot of labor costs.

One way to improve this is to take inventory using barcodes and IC tags. Work with handheld scanners is efficient and accurate, and recently there are systems that allow work with smartphones and tablets.

Introduction of WMS (warehouse management system)

Many of the warehouse management efficiency measures introduced so far can be realized by introducing a WMS (warehouse management system). Free locations, automatic generation of picking lists, and inventory using handheld scanners are difficult to achieve without a system. Furthermore, if it is linked with the core system, it will have a positive impact on inventory management.

Advantages of WMS (Warehouse Management System) Introduction

Standardization and streamlining of
operations Warehouse management operations are complicated and require experience, and training new employees is also time-consuming. Therefore, by utilizing the system, even inexperienced workers can proceed with work at a certain level, leading to improved work efficiency.

Easy to change location and effective use of warehouse space

It has a function that supports location management, so you can effectively use the space in a location that suits your company.

Information such as inventory status can be visualized

WMS can grasp the inventory status of multiple warehouses by coordinating with other companies and the company, and between the warehouse and the head office, etc., and can also grasp the inventory during transportation. Also, by using the Internet, you can easily check the progress of inventory and receipt/dispatch, which fluctuates on a daily basis. As a result, you will be able to grasp the situation from a wider perspective and make more appropriate judgments.

Information can be shared in real time

By linking with the core system of the head office, the situation can be grasped in real time. Since the time lag is small, the reliability and accuracy of the data are high, reducing the risk of incorrect situation judgment.

Cost reduction

By streamlining and automating warehousing management and picking work, it will lead to shortening of work time. In addition, by standardizing work, part-time workers will become a great force, and labor costs can be reduced, and costs can be kept lower than before the introduction of the system.

Don’t fail! WMS (warehouse management system) selection points

Here are 6 points to consider when choosing a WMS.

  1. Can you solve your own problems
  2. Is it possible to flexibly change functions as the business expands?
  3. Cloud type, package type, on-premise type
  4. Can data be linked with other systems?
  5. What kind of support system do you have
  6. Is the cost-effectiveness sufficient for introduction?

Because it is difficult to differentiate WMS services, the selection and introduction of WMS incurs a lot of costs.
However, in order to prevent mismatches after introduction, it is important to clarify the issues and the purpose of introduction at the initial stage.
Consider the introduction of the most suitable product for your company by referring to the selection points above.

WMS (warehouse management system) comparison introduction

We will compare and introduce the features, provision forms, and reference prices of the three recommended WMS.

Comprehensive functions and support system “Cloud Thomas” created by a logistics company


  • low cost
  • A general-purpose type that is comprehensively equipped with the functions necessary for warehouse operations and can be introduced regardless of the industry.
  • A generous backup service for companies that have never introduced a warehouse management system
  • Packed with functions that make use of mobile devices

Form of provision

  • Cloud / Other / Hardware / SaaS / ASP / Service


  • Up to 5 accounts ¥75,000/month

General-purpose type “W-KEEPER” with abundant industry-specific functions


  • Can be introduced in a short delivery time and at a low price
  • General-purpose type equipped with industry-specific functions such as apparel, mail order, food, wholesale, and manufacturing
  • A highly scalable system that flexibly responds to business expansion

Form of provision

  • SaaS / ASP, package software / on-premise


  • Cloud version initial cost 500,000 yen

Warehouse management “W3 SIRIUS” that collectively manages multiple locations


  • Cloud-based inventory/warehouse management system
  • A general-purpose type that implements a full range of management functions that support a wide range of products
  • Excellent operability with screen design similar to spreadsheet software

Form of provision

  • Cloud/ SaaS


  • inquiry

If you want to compare more warehouse management system tools

Click the button below to compare more warehouse management system tools and see which one can be developed for your purpose.

Realize efficient warehouse management!

This time, I introduced the efficiency ideas and WMS (warehouse management system) from the work content of warehouse management.
The use of a warehouse management system is essential for accurate warehouse management.
Let’s introduce a warehouse management system that suits your company’s purpose and aim for efficient warehouse management.



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