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NEDO announces “Overall Action Plan for Research and Development in the Field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology”

In order to formulate an artificial intelligence (AI) technology strategy and to start projects early, NEDO has comprehensively considered and organized the direction of development of AI technology, closely related technologies, and new technologies including AI. The AI ​​Action Plan has been released.

This AI action plan refers to the “Vision for Social Implementation of Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence Technology” released in 2016. The “AI Action Plan Formulation Committee”, which consists of experts from the academic and industrial worlds, discusses and develops the expected society. We extracted 12 “AI technology development that should be addressed” toward the image. In the future, NEDO will select projects to work on, including expansion into other fields, and proceed with studies toward commercialization.

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Main contents of the AI ​​action plan
    • [Commentary]
    • Contact information


Artificial intelligence (AI) is being actively invested in research and development in countries around the world, and cutting-edge technology is evolving every moment.

The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), a national research and development agency, has recently announced a new AI technology strategy for Japan to lead the world in the AI ​​field toward the formulation of a new AI technology strategy and the early start of projects. Based on the belief that action is necessary, AI technology, technology closely related to AI, and the direction of development of new technologies including AI have been examined and organized from a broad perspective. “Research and Development Action Plan” (AI Action Plan).

In anticipation of the development of next-generation AI technology in 2016, NEDO created a “next-generation artificial intelligence” project, which visualizes the effects of AI technology in Japan’s exit fields along with forecasts of AI technology progress on a time axis. Intelligent Technology Social Implementation Vision *1 ” has been announced.

Based on this vision, the AI ​​Action Plan announced this time was formulated after discussion by the “AI Action Plan Formulation Committee *2 ” (committee), which consists of experts from academia and industry .

Main contents of the AI ​​action plan

The committee has been working on the “Vision for Social Implementation of Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence Technology”, “Artificial Intelligence Technology Strategy”, “Science, Technology and Innovation Basic Plan” and the “Future Prediction of Science and Technology Implemented by Governments and Organizations” by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. We have selected 20 fields from the future forecast surveys of each ministry and agency, including the “Future Survey”, and also refer to overseas AI development trends, etc. We organized and discussed our efforts and the involvement of AI technology.

As a result, the areas where AI should be actively utilized include “manufacturing (production),” “lifestyle/city,” “mobility,” “education,” and “health (well-being),” including primary industries such as agriculture. First of all, after drawing an “expected image of society”, we organized “initiatives to achieve the image of society” and extracted 12 “AI technology developments that should be addressed” toward the expected image of society. (See figure below).

AI technology has made great progress with the rise of deep learning, but the next 10 years will require the development of semantic understanding AI. Similarly, with an eye on the next 10 years, we will move toward directions such as “from partial optimization to total optimization / diversification of the relationship between humans and AI” and “environmental recognition that integrates modalities from improving individual recognition accuracy such as images and voices”. It is considered to proceed to

Under these circumstances, in the field of manufacturing (production), “AI that optimizes the entire manufacturing process” including not only material search but also product manufacturing, and in the field of education, “AI that models the learning process” elucidation of the human learning process and AI-based learning support”, and in the fields of life, cities and mobility, we aim to develop AI technology that can integrate various sensor information”environment recognition technology for automatic guided vehicles (AGV) etc. In the field of health (well-being), “AI that can present options to doctors based on various information” including various sensor information such as pulse, body temperature, blood sugar level, etc. is extracted as AI technology development to be addressed. Did.

In addition, as issues common to multiple fields, “AI for semantic understanding by combining symbolic reasoning and deep learning” and “Creation of a new architecture for deep reinforcement learning” were also extracted as AI technology development to be tackled. .

In the future, NEDO will select projects to work on, including development in other fields, from among the 12 “AI technology developments to be worked on” extracted as the AI ​​Action Plan, and proceed with studies toward commercialization.

For details, please refer to the following documents.

  • Attachment 1: “Overall Action Plan for Research and Development in the Field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology” (Summary)
  • Attachment 2: “Overall Action Plan for Research and Development in the Field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology” (text)


*1 Next-generation artificial intelligence technology social implementation vision
Reference: NEDO News Release April 21, 2016  “Announcement of ‘Vision for Social Implementation of Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence Technology’ “
*2 AI Action Plan Committee
Chairperson Hideyuki Nakajima President of Sapporo City University

  • Masahiko Inami Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
  • Yoshitaka Ushiku Director, Chief Research Officer, Ridge-i Co.,
    Ltd. Principal Investigator, OMRON SINIC X Co., Ltd.
  • Tofuku Kawakami Partner, Managing Director, Industrial Growth Platform Co., Ltd.
  • Yutaka Matsuo Professor, The University of Tokyo
  • Hiroshi Maruyama Executive Fellow, Kao Corporation Specially
    Appointed Professor, Research Center for Artifacts, The University of Tokyo
    PFN Fellow, Preferred Networks , Inc.
  • Masahiro Murakawa National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Information and Ergonomics Field
    Artificial Intelligence Research Center Deputy Director
    (concurrent post) Director of Research Planning Office, Artificial Intelligence Research Strategy Department


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