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HomeRecommended15 recommended books for DX – from introductory to practical, introduced to...

15 recommended books for DX – from introductory to practical, introduced to the latest edition


Isn’t there a lot of people who say, “I’m looking for a book to learn about DX in order to acquire knowledge about DX as cheaply as possible”?

By purchasing recommended DX books and deepening your knowledge,

  • When developing in-house DX human resources, more specialized and detailed information can be shared
  • You can form the foundation to become a DX human resource with high market value

There are advantages such as Therefore, this time, we will introduce recommended books for DX, including construction and manufacturing industries and introductory books.

In addition to recommended books on DX, we will also explain more practical information such as the skills and mindset required for DX human resources and points for hiring DX human resources.

Table of Contents

  • What is DX
  • Advantages of learning DX from books
    • Easy to acquire knowledge systematically
    • You can study in your free time
  • 5 books recommended for getting started with DX
    • ① DX (Digital Transformation) understood by illustrations and diagrams
    • ② How to create a sales system in the DX era (super introduction to digital marketing for small companies)
    • ③ Introduction to DX (digital transformation) that produces results in 90 days
    • ④ The world’s most easy-to-understand introduction to DX I tried a GAFA way of working at an ordinary Japanese company.
    • ⑤ DX strategy that you want to know now Redefine and digitize your company’s core
  • 5 books recommended for DX practice
    • (1) DX execution strategy Create an organization that earns money digitally
    • ② “DX” practical course for small and medium-sized enterprises that you want to know if you become a person in charge
    • (3) How to think about DX The strongest strategy to revive the Japanese economy
    • ④ From planning to system development, a really useful DX project textbook
    • ⑤Beyond 2025 Evolving Digital Transformation
  • 5 books on the latest DX
    • (1) Internet White Paper 2022 The Road to Realizing Digital Twins
    • ② Just look at IT terminology book 278
    • ③ Reportage Japan’s DX front line
    • ④ DX strategy proposal
    • ⑤Companies that succeed and fail with RPA
  • Improve your DX skills by acquiring qualifications
  • 2 recommended qualifications for DX
    • Recommended qualifications for DX ① AWS (Amazon Web Services) certification
    • Qualifications recommended for DX ② IT strategist exam
  • summary

What is DX

DX is the use of technology to transform business processes, products and services, and business and management.

Advantages of learning DX from books

Introducing the benefits of learning DX with books. The two main advantages are:

  • Easy to acquire knowledge systematically
  • You can study in your free time

I will explain each.

Easy to acquire knowledge systematically

First of all, the first merit is that it is easy to acquire knowledge systematically.

Books organize knowledge systematically, making it easier to remember. There are various things to say about DX. Among them, it will be easier to remember and understand if you read one book and study together rather than learning each thing separately.

You can study in your free time

And the second advantage is that you can study using the gap time.

Reading is something you can do in your spare time, such as when you commute by train or when you have a little time before going to bed. The method of learning from books can be said to be the best method for busy people because it allows them to study in their spare time.

5 books recommended for getting started with DX

Here are 5 books we recommend as an introduction to DX.

  1. DX (Digital Transformation) understood through illustrations and diagrams
  2. How to make a selling mechanism in the DX era (super introduction to digital marketing for small companies)
  3. Getting results in 90 days Introduction to DX (Digital Transformation)
  4. The world’s most easy-to-understand introduction to DX I tried a GAFA way of working at an ordinary Japanese company.
  5. DX strategy that you want to know now Redefine and digitize your company’s core

I will explain each.

① DX (Digital Transformation) understood by illustrations and diagrams


  • What is DX?
  • Why does the government have a sense of crisis to the extent that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry issues guidelines?
  • Why are there so many Japanese companies stumbled despite the fact that DX initiatives are becoming more active?
  • What industries are being destroyed by GAFA?

Various questions are thoroughly explained. In addition to being easy to understand using illustrations, the content is also substantial.

reader review

times of rapid change. Industries to be destroyed and industries to grow change at a dizzying pace. As a keyword, I thought that it would be necessary to be sensitive to changes and anticipate them while keeping a digital antenna.

As described in this book, it is already certain that new industries created using digital technologies such as self-driving cars, space development, and cellular agriculture will destroy existing industries. The irreversible trend of digitalization will destroy vested interests and change the world, but I can only hope that Japanese companies will be the ones who will benefit from it.

② How to create a sales system in the DX era (super introduction to digital marketing for small companies)


This book is an easy-to-understand and practical digital book for small and medium-sized enterprises who are trying to steer to digital marketing as sales promotion on the Internet and “aggressive DX” after DX conversion. An introductory guide to marketing.

reader review

Digima measures (1) Sales site (2) Content site (3) Payment system (4) Increased free access (5) Increased access through advertisements (6) Repeat measures/Digima starts with new customers/Purchase psychology process (1) AISCEAS (attention, interest, search, comparison, consideration, action, sharing ) ② ULSSAS (recognition, good impression, SNS search, Google search, purchase, diffusion) / If you do it without spending money, you need 1 to 2 years / Market price ① White paper: 1,000 to 5,000 yen ② Document request: 5,000 to 15,000 ③ Seminar participation: 10,000 to 30,000 ④ Inquiries 20,000 to 50,000 / Chatbots become commonplace / 20211115Read 202P 12 minutes

③ Introduction to DX (digital transformation) that produces results in 90 days


In this book, Kenji Sudo, CEO of Kaizen Platform, a DX specialist group, explains DX with a wealth of examples.

This is a recommended book for those who are in charge of DX at the company but do not know what to do, want to know examples of companies that have succeeded in DX, and want to know the stumbling points.

reader review

He was a person who saw DX from the perspective of UI and UX. I thought it was strong to have a solution while the definition of DX was not clear yet. Redefining the model is a learning experience. I thought that marketing and UX were more important in the US than in Japan, and seeing that the author had experience in the US made my assumptions stronger (laughs).

DX: The term “using digital technology to provide an overwhelmingly superior customer experience and grow the business” has been spreading in recent years, but it is not clear what it means, and whether it will fit in the construction industry in the first place. Although I had my doubts, I felt that some systems were being introduced under the initiative of the government. (Green site, career-up system, facial recognition system, etc.) As an introductory book, it was proven by focusing on key words and points, so I think it was a good place to start. However, there were many parts that were difficult to understand just by reading it, and I felt the need to read related books as well.

④ The world’s most easy-to-understand introduction to DX I tried a GAFA way of working at an ordinary Japanese company.(Source: Amazon)


This book is full of practical wisdom for practicing the “GAFA way of working” that enables DX.

Recommended for managers who want to achieve DX, middle managers who are in trouble when they say, “I asked you to promote DX,” and people in the corporate planning department.

reader review

What is needed if DX is a “structural transformation of business models that maximizes quality and speed and minimizes costs by making full use of digital technology”? and various essences. It is difficult for Japanese companies to make changes that do not end at the current “improvement” level. There are too many essences, so what should I start with? Maybe I should let it rest for a while and read it again. I’m trying to explain IT terms as plainly as possible, but if I explain difficult things plainly, it becomes even more difficult to understand what’s going on. It seems that Masakari will fly around microservices.

I read it because I wanted to know the definition of DX, which is a buzzword because I need it for work. Systematization is only a small part of the concept, and themes related to organization and personnel are heavy. The page that suggests how to behave according to roles such as managers, department managers, and section managers is excellent. There is also a part that was tired of the horizontal characters being used more than necessary.

⑤ DX strategy that you want to know now Redefine and digitize your company’s core


Starting with the definition of DX, this book provides an easy-to-understand explanation of the concept and framework for promoting company DX while introducing case studies of numerous companies in Europe, the United States and Japan.

This is the best book for managers and future leaders who want to succeed in their own DX.

reader review

MBA, work experience at Google, beautiful CEO of an AI strategy company, etc. I thought that the author with a tremendous career talked about DX in difficult words, but it was a very good book that was close to DX beginners. After clarifying the gap between the public image of “DX” and the reality, which seems to be understood but not understood, from the experience of being involved in the DX strategy of many companies, there are certain stories and introduction points that DX is not progressing. etc. was written and I learned a lot. It is recommended not only for those who are considering introducing DX, but also for sales people who work for DX-related companies!

There are many companies that want to proceed with DX, but it will be a reference when you want to find out why it is not going well. I think the three walls that block DX are exactly right. In particular, I think that redefining the task is an important activity so that it does not become a simple digitization or digitization.

5 books recommended for DX practice

Here are five books I recommend for practice.

  1. DX execution strategy Creating an organization that earns digitally
  2. “DX” practical course for small and medium-sized enterprises that you want to know if you become a person in charge
  3. How to think about DX The strongest strategy for reviving the Japanese economy
  4. From planning to system development, a really useful DX project textbook
  5. Beyond 2025 Evolving Digital Transformation

I will explain each.

(1) DX execution strategy Create an organization that earns money digitally


This book answers questions about DX, such as why DX fails in most companies, how DX can be realized, and what the 21 actions companies should take.

This is a recommended book for companies that have already started working on DX and those in charge of DX who are worried about it not going well.

reader review

Very specific and clear. It is written in an easy-to-understand manner as to what kind of organization and resources the company should use to promote DX. I want to revisit it several times.

A guidebook on how to work on DX across departments across the company, with the keyword of orchestration. Especially in Japanese companies, where there are many divisional conflicts/existing entanglements, there are some statements that are a bit painful to hear (I understand what you are saying, but come on). But one thing I can say with certainty is that DX won’t work if you just do what’s written in this book.

② “DX” practical course for small and medium-sized enterprises that you want to know if you become a person in charge

In this book, Funai Research Institute’s digital team, which has strengths in consulting for small and medium-sized enterprises, uses its own DX introduction plan formulation tool to explain how to set goals, how to proceed with projects, and recommended digital tools.

In addition to showing the problems and solutions unique to small and medium-sized enterprises, it also features examples of DX journey maps by industry, so it is easy to grasp the image of your company’s DX introduction.

reader review

It explains comprehensively and shallowly what to do until DX is realized. It is useful when you want to grasp how to proceed roughly.

A book that summarizes examples and ideas of DX conversion for small and medium-sized enterprises. Although there are some shallow and wide areas, there are case studies for each industry and blueprints for promoting DX conversion. The approach of extracting items to promote DX conversion from the perspective of whether there is experience or employee experience is written, and although it is rough, it is a reference. 3 ☆

(3) How to think about DX The strongest strategy to revive the Japanese economy


This book explains how important thinking is in an era where society and individuals, as well as companies, are the “subjects” and “subjects” of DX. He understands what is happening at the forefront of global competition and explains the way of thinking for Japanese companies to survive in a rapidly changing business environment.

reader review

It’s hard to understand everything at once. But I know what you mean. It may be easier to understand if you read Yako’s book DXCXSX. He goes back to the basics of what DX is, and writes in an easy-to-understand way, mainly comparing the story of the computer that is the base, mainly to cooking. Still, it was difficult to understand the administrative part in the second half. A book that shows that it is necessary to use DX as a foothold to update the way you work, the way you approach work, and the way you think when performing work. I hope that many members of society will read it.

With DX → IX as the keyword, this book is like a cheering song for Japan in the future. It’s a bit too big for me, and it’s a bit confusing, but I thought I could use it to solve the problems I’m facing at work. Aside from the detailed technical theory, I thought that this book contained something like a way of approaching and thinking about problem solving. And above all, the world has changed so much that we have to change the way we perceive and think about things. You’re already a good old man, but you still have a lot to learn.

④ From planning to system development, a really useful DX project textbook


In this book, the author, who has been involved in the management of DX projects for multiple companies, explains the know-how to successfully proceed with DX projects based on his extensive experience. In addition, it is easy to understand because it systematically explains how a DX project differs from the development of a conventional core system and what processes are required in a DX project.

reader review

This book is for people who have even a little bit of practical experience with system development, as many parts are written in comparison with conventional core system development. It is recommended for consultants because it is close to the concept of new business planning that consultants do.

I finished reading with interest to learn about DX, which is becoming louder in various places. Kindle Unlimited. I was expecting something like “What is DX?”, but I was surprised by the practical content of how to actually proceed with the DX project. I’m not going to do it right away, so I read it quickly, but there were many things that made sense to me, and through the examples, I could understand the contents of DX, which I didn’t understand well. I think people who promote DX should have this book.

⑤Beyond 2025 Evolving Digital Transformation


In this book, 19 industry specialists from SAP’s local subsidiary and SAP Japan, a global company that provides business software to companies of all industries and sizes, focus on advanced initiatives in the world and Japan, and apply them in Japan. was considered.

In addition, from the examples and analysis that will be introduced in the flow from the earth to industries, companies, business models, and people, it will be necessary for Japanese companies to survive and continue to grow. You can learn strategies.

reader review

It teaches the latest SAP and SAP Japan initiatives broadly and shallowly. It’s too wide and too shallow, and it’s hard to keep in mind each one, so it’s a bit subtle as a reading material. It might be better to read one by one at a book club of a SAP consulting company, or pick it up and dig into it. The following topics were of particular interest to me: ・LIGHT AS A SERVICE ・Haapy or Not smiley terminal ・Prosthetic hand making

There are a mountain of issues that Japanese society and companies should address in response to the “2025 Cliff.” I don’t think there will be a bright future unless we throw away our past successes and learn to look at things from the perspective of the supplier and the customer. The many successful cases overseas that are included in this book give us good hints.

5 books on the latest DX

Information on DX is updated year by year, and new products and services that support the promotion of DX are being created. Therefore, it can be said that you should read a book with the latest information in order to know the latest DX circumstances.

So, here are five of the latest DX books published in 2021-2022.

  1. Internet White Paper 2022 Road to Realization of Digital Twin
  2. Just look at IT terminology book 278
  3. Reportage Japan’s DX front line
  4. DX strategy proposal
  5. Companies that succeed and fail with RPA

I will explain each.

(1) Internet White Paper 2022 The Road to Realizing Digital Twins


The “Internet White Paper” series is a standard yearbook for the digital industry that reports on the impact of the Internet on technology, business, and society from multiple perspectives.

The 2022 edition, the latest edition, covers the 5G era, including examples of the use of digital twins that link real space and cyberspace, NFTs that fundamentally change the virtual space metaverse and internet business models, and the creation of a new web aimed at Web 3.0. 40 experts will explain the latest technology that is developing with the arrival of 2020 and its business and institutional issues.

reader review

Finished reading for the Professional Engineer exam. I read the white paper on the Internet for the first time, but it was an excellent read, and I decided to read it every year in the future. At least while communication technology is the main battlefield.

② Just look at IT terminology book 278

This book will be published in September 2021.


You can understand IT terminology, knowledge, and the latest trends “from zero knowledge”, “just 5 seconds”, and “just looking at illustrations”. Recommended for beginners.

reader review

Quick read. The illustrations make it easy to understand the words I heard that I didn’t understand. I skipped over words I didn’t know at all, but it was helpful.

I only read what seemed relevant. I think it’s easy to understand.

③ Reportage Japan’s DX front line

This book will be published in June 2021.


From administrative agencies such as the government CIO, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Financial Services Agency, to people in charge of companies such as retailers, restaurants, manufacturers, and finance, we widely interview people who are standing at the “front line of DX” beyond the public and private sectors, and DX reality is depicted.

reader review

What was DX? I feel like the thoughts of the people who appear are conveyed because the author has the same thoughts. Engineers who read this will be motivated. (I don’t know). Mr. Oikawa’s passage at the end was interesting. Also read “Software First”.

I heard about the Ika Center (Izakaya) in a lecture, and was told that the book introduced their efforts. Various initiatives in the company are introduced, and it is interesting to read. The example of Coop Sapporo seems to be the most versatile example, and I was able to see how DX is progressing.

④ DX strategy proposal

This was published in January 2021.


This book is based on 10 years of research, education, and consulting results in DX, and while breaking it down into five elements: customer market, competitors, data, innovation, and customer value, the required digital strategy is presented. I am explaining.

reader review

A book that looks like a typical Western MBA textbook, updating conventional marketing (strategy) in a modern style and adding a touch of digital flavor. Since it is a “strategy”, it is not a book of “tactics” like technical theory or methodology. Therefore, it is not useful in practice. Then, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t make sense, but you can see how DX is thought in the world, and it will help you organize your head. Digital tends to be thought of as a technology, and it tends to be short-sighted in terms of how it applies to work.

Although I work in DX, I don’t know much about it (and the definition seems to be different in Japan and overseas), so I read it as a DX book, which is the origin of the foreign book. As others have said, it feels like a textbook, but I think it’s good to read when you enter the place. The answer to the frequently asked question, “DX (or data analysis) is good for optimization, but it is not suitable for creating completely new ideas,” is described in Chapter 5. It is interesting that the way of thinking that I did not know was presented in the transformation, and the update of Christensen’s innovation theory in Chapter 7.

⑤Companies that succeed and fail with RPA


This book explains what RPA is and how it can be used to replace simple tasks that have been done by hand with computers.

reader review

I was transferred and assigned to the human resources department. I will be working at the headquarters of a small and medium-sized company, and the company is currently considering whether or not to incorporate RPA as part of company reforms. I bought this book because I had to study properly myself. The information you need to know, such as what RPA is, how to work together for its introduction, etc., was written in a concise manner and was very helpful. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who works for a company that is considering introducing it like I am.

I often hear the word RPA, and I searched for a book about RPA and bought this because I didn’t understand the meaning. Easy to read and deepen my understanding of RPA! The washing machine analogy is easy to understand, and I will use this analogy when talking about RPA at work.

Improve your DX skills by acquiring qualifications

In this article, I introduced books as one way to improve DX skills, but there are other ways to improve DX skills.

Acquiring qualifications is also effective in terms of deepening your knowledge and understanding of DX.
In addition to the DX test, there are DX promotion advisor certification exams. We also recommend qualifications that require IT knowledge necessary for DX, such as various AWS (Amazon Web Services) certifications and IT strategist exams.

In order to create new value using digital technology, it is also important to hone your creativity. Gaining practical experience such as changing jobs is one way to improve the skills necessary for DX.

2 recommended qualifications for DX

Input through books is not the only way to improve your DX skills. Qualification is also a useful tool. Therefore, as recommended qualifications for DX, we will introduce two AWS (Amazon Web Services) certifications and IT strategist exams . to introduce.

However, there are multiple recommended qualifications other than those introduced here, so please read the article [Paste the DX qualification URL (not yet published)] that explains the DX qualification in more detail.

Recommended qualifications for DX ① AWS (Amazon Web Services) certification

AWS certification is a system that certifies technical expertise that can operate on Amazon Web Services and technology that can develop applications.

There are two types of qualifications. There are role-specific certifications prepared for each of the three levels of Basic, Associate, and Professional, and three expertise certifications for Security, Big Data , and Advanced Networking.

Qualifications recommended for DX ② IT strategist exam

The IT strategist examination is one of the advanced information processing engineer examinations, and is a national qualification set from level 1 to level 4.

As a qualification that certifies advanced management strategy knowledge, IT strategy knowledge, and consulting skills, it is mainly aimed at people in positions such as management planning, chief information officer executive candidates, and IT consultants.


This time, we introduced not only recommended books for DX, but also information that is more useful in practice, such as the skills and mindset required for DX human resources, and points for hiring DX human resources.

It is important to note that reading a book is meaningless.

By actively sharing the knowledge you have gained there within the company and sending out notes and other SNS, you can “output” and become flesh and blood. By all means, please output positively when you finish reading the book.




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