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HomeRecommendedWhat is a DX engineer? Introducing necessary skills, qualifications, and recommended books

What is a DX engineer? Introducing necessary skills, qualifications, and recommended books

Isn’t there a lot of people who want to know the work content and necessary skills of DX engineers? Knowing the skills and qualifications of DX engineers has the following benefits.

  • One step closer to getting a job as a highly marketable DX engineer
  • Understand the points to look for when hiring a DX engineer

Therefore, this time, we will introduce the work content and necessary skills and qualifications of DX engineers. In addition, we will also explain the annual income and future potential of DX engineers who are interested, as well as recommended books on DX.

Table of contents

  • What is DX
  • What is a DX engineer?
  • DX engineer job description
    • DX engineer’s work ① DX-related strategy planning and planning
    • DX engineer’s work ② Execution of DX project
    • DX engineer’s work ③ system construction and operation
  • 6 skills required for DX engineers
    • Skills required for DX engineers ① Creativity for an uncertain future
    • Skills required for DX engineers ② Flexibility/flexible response
    • Skills required for DX engineers ③ Ability to involve outsiders and different types
    • Skills required for DX engineers ④ Attitude to move forward without fear of failure
    • Skills required for DX engineers ⑤ Motivation / Ability to give meaning
    • Skills required for DX engineers ⑥ Breakthrough power in case of emergency
  • DX engineer training example
  • Annual income of DX engineers
  • The future of DX engineers
  • How to become a DX engineer
  • 5 qualifications required for DX engineers
    • Qualifications required for DX engineers ① Various AWS certifications
    • Qualifications required for a DX engineer ② Certified Scrum Master
    • Qualifications required for DX engineers ③ Microsoft Azure certification
    • Qualifications required for DX engineers ④ Python3 engineer certification exam
    • Qualifications required for DX engineers ⑤ Google Cloud certification
  • 2 recommended books related to DX
    • Recommended books for DX (1) DX (Digital Transformation) understood through illustrations and diagrams
    • Recommended books for DX ② The reality of digital transformation
    • Recommended books for DX ③ Subscription shift The strongest business strategy in the DX era
  • 3 smooth promotion steps for DX
    • Step 1: Clarify your vision
    • Step 2: Analyze the current situation and find your company’s strengths
    • Step 3: Develop a strategy to close the gap between what you want to be and where you are now
  • summary

What is DX

DX is the use of technology to transform business processes, products and services, and business and management. In other words, it means using digitization as a “means” to promote the transformation of products, services, and business models.

What is a DX engineer?

DX engineer is a general term for engineers who have the necessary skills to promote DX among IT engineers .

In addition, DX engineers are not a single occupation, but rather occupations related to DX such as business designers, data scientists, UI / UX designers .

DX engineer job description

DX engineers are still a new type of job, so many people may not be able to imagine what kind of work they will do.

Therefore, I would like to introduce three main tasks of a DX engineer.

  1. DX-related strategy planning and planning
  2. DX project execution
  3. System construction and operation

I will explain each.

DX engineer’s work ① DX-related strategy planning and planning

When reforming operations and creating new businesses by promoting DX, it is important to devise strategies that are not bound by current business models and business processes, assuming the use of data and digital technology.

Therefore , DX engineers grasp the environment surrounding their company, such as competitors, political and economic trends, organize what problems exist, and devise new user experiences . We also consider what kind of technology should be introduced to realize a new user experience.

DX engineer’s work ② Execution of DX project

After implementing DX strategy planning and planning, we will launch and execute a specific project in line with it.

Specifically, it covers a wide range of areas, including the creation of prototypes (prototypes of certain products), verification of effects, development of applications, system innovation, and data integration.

DX engineer’s work ③ system construction and operation

In order to continuously update and digitize existing systems, it is essential to build a team structure to carry out operations.

In addition, as a member of management, in order to further promote DX, it is the role of DX engineers to reform the organization, prepare a new system, train and recruit DX human resources, and utilize them in building new businesses and developing products.

6 skills required for DX engineers

After you have a rough understanding of what a DX engineer does, by knowing the skills necessary for a DX engineer, you will be able to understand what abilities and attitudes to work in an interview when changing jobs.

Therefore, we will briefly introduce the 6 skills necessary for DX engineers. In the “IT Human Resources White Paper 2020”, the following skills are listed as competency items for DX human resources.

  1. Creativity for an uncertain future
  2. Adaptability/flexible response
  3. Ability to involve outsiders and different types of people
  4. Attitude to move forward without fear of failure
  5. Motivational/Meaningfulness
  6. Breakthrough power in case of emergency

I will explain each.

Skills required for DX engineers ① Creativity for an uncertain future

DX engineers must have the skills to proactively challenge unknown fields, determine the areas that their company should work on, and draw the future. This is because if we cannot promote DX while assuming an uncertain future, we will fall into a crisis and stop promoting DX.

Skills required for DX engineers ② Flexibility/flexible response

DX engineers are required not to manage according to plan, but to respond to the situation from time to time and to move forward while changing.

Skills required for DX engineers ③ Ability to involve outsiders and different types

DX engineers need to collaborate with people outside the company and in different industries, such as incorporating new technologies that do not exist in their own company and collaborating with other industries. At that time, “acceptance” to change and “flexibility” to respond flexibly are important.

Skills required for DX engineers ④ Attitude to move forward without fear of failure

DX engineers who challenge new initiatives will be required to have a positive attitude that “temporary failures are the sustenance of success” and to move forward without fear of failure.

Skills required for DX engineers ⑤ Motivation / Ability to give meaning

As a DX engineer, you need to clarify the issues you want to work on, and have a positive attitude to tackle them with independence and curiosity.

Skills required for DX engineers ⑥ Breakthrough power in case of emergency

DX engineers need to have a leadership attitude and a sense of responsibility, considering various ways to break through the wall without giving up, even if the situation becomes difficult at times.

DX engineer training example

Since DX engineers are a new type of job, the current situation is that there is no established training method. However, in the present age where DX promotion is a management issue for each company, efforts to train DX engineers are becoming active.

According to the “IT Human Resources White Paper 2020”, many companies working on DX are “attending external training and seminars”, “promoting and supporting acquisition of qualifications”, and “recommending and supporting voluntary participation in external courses”. And so on. Some domestic DX promotion companies are conducting RPA training and IT skill basic training for new employees to develop DX human resources.

In this way, DX promotion companies are building various support and mechanisms to further promote DX.

Annual income of DX engineers

I think that there are many people who emphasize “annual income” as the axis when changing jobs or finding a job.

According to the “IT Human Resources White Paper 2020”, about 20% of the total annual income of advanced IT workers, that is, DX engineers, is 10 million yen or more, and about half of them are 7 million yen or more. On the other hand, the annual income of non-advanced IT workers is 5 million yen to less than 6 million yen, 15.2%, and 9% is 10 million yen or more.

From these data, it can be said that the annual income of DX engineers is generally higher than that of general IT engineers .

The future of DX engineers

So far, we have introduced the work content and necessary skills of DX engineers, but some people may have doubts, “Is the future of DX engineers okay after all? Won’t the demand decrease soon?” In conclusion, the demand for DX engineers is expected to continue in the future, so the future of DX engineers is bright .

According to the “IT Human Resources White Paper 2020”, 33.8% of all IT companies are working on DX, which is still not many, but 17.5% of the companies that are not working on it are planning to work on DX in the future.

Furthermore, due to the “2025 cliff” problem, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is promoting the country as a whole, such as conducting a campaign in September and October 2020 as the “concentrated implementation period for DX promotion indicators”. In addition, companies will also promote DX in earnest so as not to fall on the “2025 cliff”.

Therefore, it can be said that DX engineers will be more and more sought after in the future.

How to become a DX engineer

If you have read this far, I think you are interested in the job of DX engineer and would like to take action such as changing jobs. So what should I do to become a DX engineer?

According to the “IT Human Resources White Paper 2020”, many IT companies are securing existing human resources as a way to acquire DX engineers. And it is worth noting that about 40 to 50% of IT companies promoting DX have secured DX engineers through mid-career recruitment .

Therefore, in order to become a DX engineer, we recommend that you acquire the skills necessary to promote DX through qualifications and books, and change jobs to companies that promote DX .

5 qualifications required for DX engineers

Although the DX engineer is still a new occupation, it is a popular occupation because demand is expected to increase in the future. Therefore, it will be an appealing point to have qualifications at the time of interview.

The following five qualifications are required for DX engineers.

  1. Various AWS certifications
  2. Certified Scrum Master
  3. Microsoft Azure Certification
  4. Python3 Engineer Certification Exam
  5. Google Cloud Certification

I will explain each.

Qualifications required for DX engineers ① Various AWS certifications

AWS certification is a system that certifies technical expertise that can operate on Amazon Web Services and technology that can develop applications.

There are two types of qualifications. There are role-specific certifications prepared for each of the three levels of Basic, Associate, and Professional, as well as three expertise certifications for Security, Big Data , and Advanced Networking.

Qualifications required for a DX engineer ② Certified Scrum Master

“Scrum master” is a person who supports development members as a manager of all team members in scrum development (one of the agile development methods).

Certified Scrum Master is a qualification that the Scum Alliance certifies the knowledge and skills of a Scrum Master, and is one of the most well-known qualifications for Scrum Masters.

Qualifications required for DX engineers ③ Microsoft Azure certification

“Microsoft Azure” is one of the representative cloud services along with AWS and GCP. And “Microsoft Azure Certification” is a qualification that certifies that you have knowledge and skills related to Microsoft Azure.

Qualifications required for DX engineers ④ Python3 engineer certification exam

The Python3 Engineer Certification Examination is a private qualification exam administered by the Association for the Promotion of Python Engineer Development. It is divided into a basic exam and a data analysis exam, and the basic exam is suitable for inexperienced people to acquire with the aim of becoming a Python engineer.

Qualifications required for DX engineers ⑤ Google Cloud certification

“Google Cloud” is one of the representative cloud services along with AWS and Microsoft Azure. It is commonly known as GCP (Google Cloud Platform). The Google Cloud certification exam is a qualification exam that Google certifies certain knowledge and skills related to GCP.

2 recommended books related to DX

According to the “IT Human Resources White Paper 2020”, “learning from books” was the most common way to improve the skills of advanced IT workers (DX engineers) after “collecting information on the web”.

Therefore, I will introduce three recommended books on DX that even beginners can read.

  1. DX (Digital Transformation) understood through illustrations and diagrams
  2. Digital transformation in action
  3. Subscription shift The strongest business strategy in the DX era

I will explain each.

Recommended books for DX (1) DX (Digital Transformation) understood through illustrations and diagrams

By using a wealth of illustrations and diagrams, this book makes it possible to understand the explanation of DX, which tends to be complicated, not only in words but also visually. Therefore, it is a highly recommended book for beginners.

The author, a DX top consultant, explains in an easy-to-understand manner what Japanese companies that have lost their competitiveness due to the influence of GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) and Western unicorn companies that are sweeping the market should do now. increase.

Recommended books for DX ② The reality of digital transformation

BayCurrent Consulting, which preached the necessity of DX early in Japan, is a book that thoroughly analyzes cases of Japanese and American companies.

In addition, this book proposes a step-by-step transformation of the problems of Japanese companies’ digital strategies in three steps. First of all, it is an introductory book recommended for those who want to grasp the whole picture of DX.

Recommended books for DX ③ Subscription shift The strongest business strategy in the DX era

The author, who is also the founder of Team Spirit Co., Ltd., which provides groupware “TeamSpirit”, advocates that “the subscription-type business model that drives DX and gives people many benefits”. You can understand the business utilization of DX centered on SaaS type cloud services.

Recommended for business owners and project managers currently working on subscription-related businesses.

3 smooth promotion steps for DX

There are three steps to promote DX:

  1. Clarify your goals
  2. Analyzing the Current Situation and Finding Our Strengths
  3. Develop a strategy to fill the gap between the desired state and the current state

I will explain each.

Step 1: Clarify your vision

In step 1, clarify what your ideal company looks like. By clarifying the direction that the company should aim for and sharing it internally, employees can aim in the same direction toward DX.

As a result, you can prevent the common failure of DX getting stuck in the middle.

Step 2: Analyze the current situation and find your company’s strengths

The important thing in step 2 is to analyze the current situation of your company and find your strengths. DX refers to the establishment of a competitive advantage through the use of digital technology and data. This is because it is important to extend our strengths with digital technology and data.

Specifically, analyze your company’s current situation in terms of items such as business model, products and services, operations, organization, processes, and corporate culture.

Step 3: Develop a strategy to close the gap between what you want to be and where you are now

The important thing in step 3 is to classify DX into digitization and digitalization.

  • Digitization: digitizing analog data
  • Digitalization: Using digital technology to bring about change

The axis of the DX strategy is to clarify the target and the current situation, and consider what kind of flow will be used to digitize analog data and what kind of technology will be combined with it.


This time, we introduced the work content of DX engineers, their future prospects, and recommended books. Don’t just read this article, take concrete actions such as reading books and applying for jobs to get closer to achieving your goals.



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