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What are the trends in web technology? Introducing 30 trends in web technology by genre!

What are web technology trends?

We will introduce the trend of web technology.


The IT industry is known for its extremely fast cycle of technological innovation and new trends, but what are the current trends in web technology?

In this article, we will introduce infrastructure environments, programming languages, libraries, frameworks, tools, designs, etc. that are trending in website creation.

[By genre] 30 trends in web technology

Introducing trends in web technology by genre.

There are various fields in web technology, but they can be roughly divided into genres such as “infrastructure environment”, “programming language”, “platform open source library”, and “tool system”.

Here, we will introduce 30 trends in web technology by genre, so why not take a look at it.

Infrastructure environment

Introducing trends in the infrastructure environment.


There is a strong trend toward cloud computing in infrastructure environments, and many companies working on digital transformation are migrating from on-premises to the cloud.


Here, we will introduce the infrastructure environment that can be said to be a web technology trend.

Web Technology Trend 1: Azure

Azure is a cloud platform provided by Microsoft.


Azure is a collection of cloud services with data centers in 55 locations around the world, and provides a variety of cloud services to support users in solving their business challenges.


There are two bases in Japan, one in eastern Japan and the other in western Japan, and there are many users.

Web Technology Trend 2: AWS

AWS is a cloud computing service provided by Amazon.


AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud platform used all over the world. Over 100 types of services such as servers, storage, computing, and databases are available via the Internet.

Web Technology Trend 3: GCP

GCP is a cloud computing service provided by Google.


GCP (Google Cloud Platform) is a cloud service used by major companies around the world. GCP’s infrastructure is also used in end-user services such as Google search and YouTube, which are used by many users on a daily basis.

programming language

Introducing programming language trends.


With the development of web technology, it is said that the demand for programming will continue to increase. Currently, there are more than 200 types of programming languages, from major ones such as C and Java to very niche languages.


Here, we will introduce programming languages ​​that can be said to be web technology trends.

Web Technology Trend 4: Java

Java is a versatile programming language that can be used regardless of the environment.


Java, which is mentioned as a web technology trend, is a very popular language all over the world. OS-independent development is possible, so applications developed in Java can be used on both Windows and macOS.


Java is good at web applications and browser applications, but it is also used for various other developments.

Web Technology Trend 5: JavaScript

JavaScript is a scripting language that allows you to add dynamic effects to web pages.


A script language is a programming language that makes it easy to execute programs, and JavaScript is processed in a web browser.


By combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in website creation, various actions can be added on the browser.

Web Tech Trend 6: Go

Go is a programming language developed by Google.


The Go language, also known as Golang, is characterized by language-level support for concurrency. In addition, by removing complex functions, it is less likely to be affected by the skill of the programmer, so stable performance can be maintained.


In recent years, it has been adopted by many companies and is a rapidly growing programming language.

Web Technology Trend 7: PHP

PHP is a programming language specialized for web development.


PHP is a programming language that can be used in combination with HTML, and can be written as easily as adding tags to HTML.


Although it is a programming language that can hardly be used for anything other than web development, it is used in WordPress, which is used to create websites and blogs, so the demand for PHP will continue.

Web Technology Trend 8: Python

Python is a simple and easy-to-write programming language.


Python allows you to write even a small amount of code, so even code written by others is easy to read, and efficient development is less likely to cause bugs.


Also, in recent years, the development of artificial intelligence has increased its name recognition in Japan. Machine learning is a global trend in the development of artificial intelligence, so the demand for Python will continue to grow.

Web Technology Trend 9: Ruby

Ruby is a programming language developed by Japanese people that allows for fun development.


It is a programming language that can improve the efficiency of system development used on the web, and is also used by major websites such as “Tabelog” and “Cookpad”.


Also, since Ruby was developed by a Japanese, there are plenty of sources in Japanese. Unlike other languages, you can immediately know the latest information and trends in Japanese.

Web Technology Trend 10: Kotlin

Kotlin is a programming language commonly used for Android application development.


It is an object-oriented programming language developed by JetBrains, known for its Java integrated development environment “IntelliJ IDEA”, and has been improved so that Java can be used simply and safely.


It is compatible with Java and has been adopted not only for Android application development but also for server side in recent years.

Web Technology Trend 11: Scala

Scala is a multi-paradigm programming language that can handle both object-oriented and functional programming.


Scala can use Java libraries seamlessly as well as Java. Also, although the demand for Scala is growing, the number of Scala engineers is still insufficient due to the high learning cost.


Therefore, the benefits of learning Scala will be great in the future.

Web Technology Trend 12: TypeScript

TypeScript is a programming language developed by Microsoft that extends JavaScript.


It adds static typing and class-based object orientation to JavaScript, and is highly compatible because it is converted to JavaScript code by compiling.


Also, unlike JavaScript, it has a type, so it has the advantage of preventing errors.

Platform open source library

Discover trends in platform open source libraries.


When developing an application, using the application platform will increase the development efficiency because the platform will take care of the work other than development.


Here, we will introduce platform open source libraries that can be said to be web technology trends.

Web Tech Trend 13: Heroku

Heroku is a PaaS that supports application development, execution, and operation.


Heroku is a fully managed data service with 150+ third-party add-ons, 1000+ open source buildpacks, and more.


Heroku eliminates the need for infrastructure management, allowing users to focus on app development instead of operations.

Web Tech Trend 14: Firebase

Firebase is a BaaS developed and provided by Google.


Firebase is an application platform that allows you to develop applications without being aware of the services that run on the backend side.


Firebase is also widely used in mobile application development, hence the name mBaaS.

Web Technology Trend 15: Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open source platform for deploying, scaling and managing containerized applications.


The word “Kubernetes” comes from Greek and means “helmsman” or “pilot”.


As its name suggests, it can operate containers such as Docker.

Web Technology Trend 16: Docker

Docker is an open source platform that provides a virtualized environment for operating systems called containers.


Docker uses container virtualization technology to develop and manage applications. When the system becomes complicated and it becomes necessary to manage multiple Dockers, the aforementioned Kubernetes is utilized.


Docker is also one of the new web technologies trending in recent years.

Web Technology Trend 17: Istio

Istio is an open source platform that provides the foundation for distributed microservices architectures.


It is a service mesh platform that performs communication encryption and load balancing by sandwiching a layer between microservices and networks.


Istio is also available for services running in the aforementioned Kubernetes containers.

Web Tech Trend 18: GitLab

GitLab is a software development support environment developed by GitLab Inc.


It is a Git repository manager that allows you to independently build services such as GitHub in your company environment. Because it can be used in a closed environment, it is used by companies that cannot use external GitHub due to security issues.

Web Tech Trend 19: GitHub

GitHub is a software development platform that allows source sharing.


It’s a tool that many engineers are using source code for hosting. It is also used by companies because it can host source code, allow multiple engineers to collaborate, and can also be used as a code version control tool.

Web Tech Trend 20: GitBucket

GitBucket is a Git repository management tool that runs on JVM.


GitBucket is an open source GitHub clone app that is easy to install and intuitive to use. Since it is also compatible with GitHub API, it is ideal for individual use who wants to manage repositories without exposing the source code like GitHub.

Web Tech Trend 21: Bitbucket

Bitbucket is a web-based Git repository manager operated by Atlassian.


Git code management tool for teams to plan projects, develop code, test and deploy in one place.


Free for up to 5 people and unlimited private repositories.

Tool system

Introducing trends in tools.


There are various types of tools trending in web technology, such as configuration management tools, visualization tools, business intelligence tools, and continuous integration tools.


Here, we will introduce various tools that can be said to be web technology trends.

Web Tech Trend 22: Ansible

Ansible is an open source configuration management tool developed by Red Hat.


It is a Python-based configuration management tool that automatically installs and configures software according to preset configuration files, saving time and reducing mistakes.


In addition, it is easy to use because there is no need to install an agent on the server.

Web Technology Trend 23: Terraform

Terraform is an infrastructure configuration management tool developed by HashiCorp.


An infrastructure definition tool that generates and arranges infrastructure on the cloud in a format suitable for definition files.


You don’t need to be aware of the creation procedure because you can define the infrastructure configuration declaratively instead of writing the construction procedure.

Web Tech Trend 24: Chef

Chef is a configuration management tool written in Ruby and Erlang.


It is a tool that automatically creates users, installs, edits configuration files, etc. according to the contents described in the file.


When using Chef, an agent must be installed on the destination server. It is very popular as a server configuration management tool.

Web Tech Trend 25: Redash

Redash is a dashboard tool provided by OSS.


There are various types of dashboard tools, but Redash is not only available as open source, but also supports many RDBs.


In addition, it supports data sources such as TreasureData and BigQuery, and can visualize graphs and the like.

Web Tech Trend 26: Looker

Looker is a data analytics platform that enables real-time business analytics.


It is a next-generation cloud BI tool that can perform thorough data analysis on the dashboard, and it is possible to create reports using the latest data.


It became a hot topic in 2019 when Google Cloud announced that it would acquire Looker.

Web Tech Trend 27: Travis CI

Travis CI is a continuous integration tool developed by German company Travis CI.


It is an online service that works with GitHub to automate and continuously build and test code placed on GitHub.


It’s also free for open source projects.

Web Tech Trend 28: CircleCI

CircleCI is a cloud continuous integration tool.


It is a SaaS type service that uses containers and virtual machines on the cloud as the execution environment. Among the various types of CI tools, this service has a large number of adoption cases in Japan.


Since it is a SaaS, the introduction cost is low, and it is an easy-to-use CI tool because there is no need to build an environment.

Web Tech Trend 29: GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is GitHub’s official continuous integration tool.


A new feature provided by GitHub, it is a CI tool that allows you to build, test, and deploy code directly from GitHub.


It is a serverless execution environment, and it is the first service on GitHub that automatically executes commands and code instead of the user’s hand.

Web Tech Trend 30: Jenkins

Jenkins is an open source continuous integration tool.

Written in Java, it helps automate the parts related to building, testing, and deploying software. Since it is written in Java, it is highly versatile and basically works in any environment where Java runs.

Also, because of the large community, it is easy to get the latest information and trends in Japanese.

8 web tech trends used in design

Introducing trends in web technologies used in design.


There are various technologies used in web design, such as smartphone apps and websites. Also, since trends change remarkably, let’s keep track of web technologies related to design.


Lastly, I would like to introduce trends in web technologies used in design-related fields.

Web technology trend 1: Use of 3D graphics

Design-related web technologies include sophisticated 3D graphics.


Technological progress has made it possible to play 3D renderings even on inexpensive smartphones in recent years. As a result, web designers can now freely try 3D graphics using the latest technology without fear of failure.


In recent years, videos that can be played interactively by scrolling have appeared to attract the user’s interest.

Web Tech Trend 2: Frosted Glass Effect

A web technology used in design has a frosted glass effect.


The frosted glass effect is a web technology that has become more popular in recent years, and it is an effect that makes the background appear translucent and blurred. It can be easily implemented by using the stylesheet property “backdrop-filter”.


The frosted glass effect is often used as a background for text over images.

Web technology trend 3: Gradation

There is gradation in web technology used in design related.


Gradients are used in various parts, not only in buttons and images, but also in fonts. In order to take advantage of the gradation of fonts, there has been an increase in impactful typography in recent years.


Gradients themselves have been around for a long time, but in recent years many brands have adopted them into their web designs.

Web Tech Trend 4: Dark Mode

There is a dark mode in the web technology used in design related.


Dark mode is to change the design based on general white to a design based on black. Currently, it is also used in blogs, websites, and SNS such as Twitter.


Dark mode is a new web technology that completed support for major OSs in 2019, and since then it has become possible to apply dark mode color schemes on smartphones and PC desktops.

Web Tech Trend 5: Horizontal Scrolling

Horizontal scrolling is a web technology used in design.


Horizontal scrolling is a technique that allows you to move to the next section by scrolling horizontally. In particular, smartphones have small screens, so horizontal scrolling is naturally used to increase content.


Horizontal scrolling is now a common technique in many apps. You could say it’s not about technological progress, it’s about UX changes.

Web Tech Trend 6: Grid Layout

A web technology used in design related is grid layout.


In recent years, layouts that look like grids have appeared by transforming and rotating images, and by using overlaps and overlaps.


Grid-like layouts are implemented by CSS Grid and Flexbox and are supported by most popular browsers today.

Web Tech Trend 7: Scroll Snap

A web technology used in design related is Scroll Snap.


Scroll snapping is a technique that aligns a specific element to the scroll position according to the user’s scrolling operation. The content is automatically focused even when scrolling, providing a high level of convenience for the user.


In recent years, by using scroll-snap of CSS, it has become possible to easily implement scroll snap.

Web Technology Trend 8: Microinteractions

Web technologies used in design include micro-interactions.

Micro-interactions are techniques that provide animated feedback, such as a small bar showing progress when a submit button is clicked.

Microinteractions themselves are already widely used, and in recent years there have been more interactions that are easier to understand than before.

Stay on top of web technology trends

Web technology is a field where trends change rapidly.


Unlike a decade ago, the cloud has become the mainstream infrastructure environment, and there are many platforms that can efficiently develop applications.

By all means, please refer to the various web technology trends by genre introduced in this article to deepen your understanding of recent web technology trends.



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