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A thorough explanation of the tips to save time on creating minutes! Minutes creation tool!

Minutes preparation is generally the job of the youngest meeting participants, such as new employees.

Minutes are often required to be prepared and submitted within 24 hours.
However, isn’t there a lot of people who spend a lot of time creating minutes?

So this time, I will explain the tips to create meeting minutes efficiently without wasting time.

If you spend a lot of time creating meeting minutes, or if you are worried about creating meeting minutes, please refer to this article.


  • Necessity and purpose of taking minutes
    • To share and disseminate the content of meetings
    • To prevent the next meeting from becoming too long
    • To improve basic business skills
  • What to include in the minutes
  • Tips to save time on meeting minutes
    • Create in the same minutes format
    • Take structured notes during meetings
    • Mark the parts that need to be checked in the minutes
    • Create minutes immediately after a meeting or meeting
    • don’t look for perfection
    • Use the minutes-taking tool
  • 7 recommended meeting minutes creation tools
    • COTOHA Meeting Assist
    • smart scribe
    • You Wire
    • VMeeting
    • AmiVoice Minutes Writer
    • ProVoXT
    • AmiVoice ScribeAssist
  • summary

Necessity and purpose of taking minutes

To share and disseminate the content of meetings

The main purpose of taking minutes is to record the contents of the meeting and share the information.

Accurately recording the content of the meeting, the progress of the discussion, the decisions made, the participants, etc. will ensure that even those who are absent from the meeting receive accurate information.

To prevent the next meeting from becoming too long

Meetings often have the same agenda.

Therefore, if there is no meeting minutes that accurately summarizes the contents of the previous meeting, the meeting will be less efficient because you will not know what to discuss and you will spend a lot of time reviewing the previous meeting.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to create accurate minutes.

To improve basic business skills

The minutes must be written in a way that everyone can understand, including those who did not attend the meeting.

Therefore, it is necessary to have the skill to grasp the overall content of the meeting and summarize the necessary information without mistakes or excess or deficiency.

If you create meeting minutes, you will acquire basic business skills such as the ability to listen to what others have to say, the ability to summarize key points, and the ability to convey information in an easy-to-understand manner.

What to include in the minutes

Include the following items in the minutes:

  1. Meeting Name
    Choose a concise name that clearly describes the content of the meeting.
  2. Date
    and time of the meeting Include the date and time of the meeting so that you know when the decision was made.
  3. Venue
    Indicate whether the meeting will be held inside or outside the company, as well as the name of the specific meeting room. When holding a meeting at a later date, it will be a guideline of how large a conference room you should rent.
  4. Participant
    If a client attends, write the names in order of position from the client side. Give the client side a salutation, not your company’s participants. It is a good idea to indicate that you are the recorder by writing your name at the end of your name.
  5. Purpose
    of the meeting Briefly describe how and why the meeting was held.
  6. Decisions at the meeting List the decisions at the
    meeting item by item.
  7. Contents
    of the meeting Break down the content of the meeting by topic, including the topics discussed and the names of the speakers.

Tips to save time on meeting minutes

According to the 2019 ” Survey Results on Minutes Preparation Work” by the Secretariat of the Smart Municipalities Research Association, it was found that 26% of people also use outside working hours to prepare minutes.

Many people spend a lot of time in taking minutes because it includes everything from transcribing the recorded data to summarizing the main points.

So, here are some tips to reduce the time it takes to create meeting minutes.

Create in the same minutes format

It is a good idea to decide the format of the minutes in advance and use the same format every time so that you do not get lost in the format when creating it.

If you are in charge of minutes for multiple fields, standardize the format as much as possible to avoid confusion in format and writing style.

Below is an example of the format of the minutes. Please try to reference.

Created: XXth (day of the week)
Meeting name: 〇〇 meeting
Location: 〇〇 meeting room
Attendees: 〇〇, 〇〇, 〇〇, 〇〇
Absent: 〇〇, 〇〇
Agenda: About 〇〇

Contents of discussion


Date and time of the next meeting: 〇Month 〇day (day of the week)
Agenda for the next meeting: 〇〇


Take structured notes during meetings

If you take notes during the meeting in a somewhat chronological order, you will not be able to understand the conclusion even if you look back at the notes later, and you will need to recall the contents of the meeting again when creating the minutes.

Consider taking structured notes during the meeting to save time taking minutes.

For example, you might write:

  • Decision: A
    Reason: A’
  • Decision: B
    Reason: B’

Mark the parts that need to be checked in the minutes

During the meeting, there may be things that you do not understand or that require confirmation. If you don’t know the part to check, it will be inefficient because it will take time just to look for it.

Therefore, mark the parts that need to be confirmed in the minutes so that you can check them smoothly.

Create minutes immediately after a meeting or meeting

If possible, it is a good idea to write the minutes immediately after the meeting so that you do not forget the content of the meeting.

According to the “memory forgetting curve” above, about half of the memory is lost between 20 minutes and 1 hour. Therefore, it is important to take minutes immediately after the meeting.

don’t look for perfection

As long as the minutes are summarized, do not write unnecessary information and keep it short.
Please be aware that it will be communicated at about 80% completion, so please be aware of writing quickly.

Don’t expect too much perfection in the minutes, complete them quickly, and devote time to the tasks and actions decided in the meeting.

Use the minutes-taking tool

Many meeting minutes creation tools have functions for automatically recognizing speech and automatically converting it to text.

As a result, work such as post-meeting transcription is reduced, and meeting minutes can be created faster.

Please refer to the following article for detailed information on the “Meeting Minutes Creation Tool”.

7 recommended meeting minutes creation tools

COTOHA Meeting Assist

“COTOHA Meeting Assist” is a cloud-based meeting minutes creation support service that automatically converts the audio of meetings and lectures into text using AI.

In addition, AI automatically recognizes remarks that are likely to be homework items, labels them as “tasks,” and supports classification and organization of content.


  • AI speech recognition converts meeting remarks into text, greatly reducing work time
  • Since the text that has been recognized by speech is saved in chronological order in association with the speech, it is possible to re-listen only the speech of the corresponding part and edit it easily.
  • AI automatically labels remarks as “important” and “task” to prevent overlooking important points and homework items
  • Participants can share decisions made in meetings and homework among themselves, and assign persons in charge and deadlines with the task management function.
  • The automatic translation function allows you to view the translated text even if you speak a different language
  • You can also join the meeting via chat
  • Initial cost is free, Internet connection terminal + microphone can be used immediately


Initial fee: 0 yen
Monthly fee: 50,000 yen

Presence or absence of trial

can be

smart scribe

Audio, automatic transcription, and intuitive editing greatly streamline the creation and sharing of minutes.
You can output to Excel or Word.


  • UI is very intuitive and easy to use
  • In addition to security that can be used for important meetings, we also have thorough measures for our internal security system.
  • We provide everything from deployment support for the person in charge after introduction by a dedicated staff to continuous support for establishment.


No initial cost

  • Standard: 100,000 yen per month
  • Security: 120,000 yen per month
  • Municipal Plan: Contact

Presence or absence of trial

can be

You Wire

“YouWire” is a call recording service that supports mobile phones, landlines, and multi-PBX.


  • available at a low price
  • Equipment rental available
  • Easy integration with existing systems
  • Centralized management of landlines and mobile phones in the cloud
  • Immediate response in the event of trouble due to in-house developed products
  • Installation work completed in a short time


Presence or absence of trial

not clear


“VMeeting” is an AI meeting minutes creation software from Japan that covers the recognition of in-house terminology.


  • Highly accurate recognition rate
  • You can learn uncommon words, such as your own company terminology
  • Compatible with both browsers and smartphones



Presence or absence of trial

not clearAmiVoice Minutes Writer

“AmiVoice MinutesWriter” uses a proprietary AI speech recognition engine to automatically convert remarks at meetings, lectures, interviews, etc. into text with high accuracy.


  • Support from introduction to operation by leveraging our extensive experience and solid know-how, which boasts the No. 1 share of the voice recognition market.
  • The speech recognition engine can be customized exclusively for the customer or a speech recognition engine for a specialized field can be provided, enabling highly accurate recognition processing from the time of introduction.
  • Edit the recognition result while listening to the speech content
  • Can be used for transcription work in a wide range of fields



Presence or absence of trial



“ProVoXT” is a meeting minutes creation support cloud service that can be used in a wide range of industries such as local governments, companies, and broadcasting media.


  • Since a dedicated terminal for speech recognition is not required, it can be used outside the company.
  • A wide range of operations are possible, from a small number of people at the department level to use by all employees of a large company.
  • Can be used as a hybrid with dedicated editing software “AmiVoice Rewriter”



Presence or absence of trial


AmiVoice ScribeAssist

“AmiVoice ScribeAssist” is a stand-alone transcription support application that can be used in a wide range of situations such as web conferences, business negotiations, and press conferences.


  • One-stop service from recording to transcription
  • Supports real-time voice recognition and batch recognition that converts recorded voice data into text
  • Audio can be recorded from various web conferencing systems without the need for a dedicated server.
  • There is no risk of information leakage because voice recognition can be performed offline.
  • Equipped with various useful functions such as speaker identification function, word registration function, keyword setting function, tagging function, etc.



Presence or absence of trial

can be


In this article, I will focus on how to effectively create meeting minutes.

Use this article as a reference to reduce the time it takes to take meeting minutes and free up your time for other tasks.



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