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HomeTechnologyWhat is low code? Detailed explanation of the difference from no code!

What is low code? Detailed explanation of the difference from no code!

In recent years, the business environment is accelerating day by day, both inside and outside the company, and the information system department is required to build a system that can smoothly and flexibly respond to such a business environment.

However, in reality, it takes a lot of man-hours to build the system, and it is a little troublesome.

Therefore, this time, we will introduce “low-code development tools” that reduce the amount of work that occurs during system construction and make it possible to easily build systems, and the difference from “no-code development tools”.

Table of Contents

  • What is low code
  • The difference between “low-code” and “no-code”
    • Why we need low-code and the difference from no-code
  • Reasons why “low-code” and “no-code” are required
  • Low-code selection point
    • (1) “Overall optimization” as an organization, not “individual optimization” for each business
    • (2) Appropriate ID and authority management
    • (3) Flexible support for complex business processes
    • (4) A system is in place to enable business audits
    • ⑤ It has “scalability” that can withstand the operational load associated with function expansion
    • ⑥Operability
  • summary

What is low code

Low-code is a tool/method that allows you to develop applications and systems with less code than before.

It used to be called “high-speed development” or “ultra-high-speed development” until a long time ago, but in recent years it has been called “low-code development”. A tool called “Code” also appeared.

By combining various development platforms and tools, “low-code development” and “no-code development” become possible.

Rather than relying on engineers to develop applications, people who are well versed in technology can participate in development while taking on the role of the business side, so you can develop applications that better match customer needs.

In addition, like the conventional development system, the person in charge of the information system department (IS) defines the requirements, confirms the user needs, communicates the requirements decided in the company to the company to which the system is outsourced, and decides You can reduce the troublesome man-hours such as scrutinizing in-house.

The difference between “low-code” and “no-code”

Both “low-code” and “no-code” are useful tools that reduce the amount of effort you spend writing code to develop software applications.

The difference between “Low Code” and “No Code” is that “Low Code” has less program code, and “No Code” can build a system without program code.

Why we need low-code and the difference from no-code

There is also a difference in the scale of applications that can be handled by “low-code” and “no-code”.

The biggest difference is the scale of support for tools.

“No-code” is basically good for building small applications for one department.

However, many “no-code” tools are often limited in functionality, creating many challenges as the company scales.

Possible issues

  • No architectural flexibility

The term architecture refers to programming constructs such as how variables, functions, and algorithms are combined.
Many no-code tools can lead to inflexible and simplistic application architectures.

  • not scalable

It cannot be developed with an emphasis on user comfort and operability (user experience/UX), and cannot be connected to conventional systems.
They are also difficult to integrate with third-party or homegrown system solutions.

  • Governance challenges

Applications developed with no code are in a stand-alone state (the system is not connected to a network or other devices and operates independently), so there are management issues in terms of governance.

Compared to “no-code”, “low-code” can be used in a wide range of situations due to its superior scalability and flexible environmental response.

The advantages of low-code implementation are as follows.

Advantages of adopting low-code

  • Cost and time required for development can be reduced

If you introduce low-code tools, you don’t have to create all the code from scratch, so you can reduce the man-hours of programmers and shorten the work time.
Low-code tools combine pre-configured functions, create business logic, and easily develop and operate applications.
In addition, labor and development costs for development can be reduced.

  • Fewer security concerns

However, since the system provider (vendor) provides security measures, there is no security concern.
As a result, developers only have to secure their newly built parts.

Reasons why “low-code” and “no-code” are required

Japan is currently facing major IT challenges.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s ” DX Report – Overcoming the IT System ‘2025 Cliff’ and Full-Scale Development of DX ” also describes it as the ‘2025 Cliff’, and many companies are promoting DX. have issues that prevent The main challenges are as follows.

  • Due to the existing system being built for each business department, each legacy system fell into a state (black box state) that could not be managed, and data could not be used well, and DX conversion could not be promoted as expected. .
  • The shortage of IT personnel, which was 170,000 in 2015, is likely to expand to 430,000 in 2025.
  • Because the user company has thrown it all over to the vendor company, the system has become a black box. Moreover, this also leads to an increase in maintenance costs.

Anyone can become a developer By utilizing “low-code” development tools and “no-code” development tools, it is possible to develop applications that better meet the needs of each organization. have a significant effect on the improvement of

Low-code selection point

(1) “Overall optimization” as an organization, not “individual optimization” for each business

If each individual department or business division introduces an “individually optimized” tool, the system as a whole cannot be managed and becomes a black box.

In order to avoid the separation of data and processes due to black boxing, select a tool that aims for “total optimization” as an organization.

(2) Appropriate ID and authority management

In a company, ID management can be a major decision criterion in terms of security.

Equipped with a standard single sign-on (SSO) function (SSO function: a function that allows you to use linked systems and services without additional authentication by performing user authentication (login) once) and other functions. Let’s see if there are any.

Similarly, permission management is also an important factor. Make sure that the tool has a function to limit authority for each position and a function to control authority related to the organization.

(3) Flexible support for complex business processes

Let’s check whether flexible settings such as group decision-making (parallel approval), conditional branching, and linkage with different workflows are possible.

(4) A system is in place to enable business audits

As business processes become more complex and important, it is necessary to properly obtain and manage logs of who approved when.

Therefore, make sure that you have a mechanism in place to properly acquire audit logs.

⑤ It has “scalability” that can withstand the operational load associated with function expansion

As mentioned in (3), “low-code” development tools require flexibility.

When using a development platform in a large company, a huge number of operations and databases are built in a short period of time, and many enhancements are made. Scalability that can withstand such a huge operational load is required.


Tool operability is an important factor in introducing “low-code” and “no-code” throughout the organization and promoting a digital shift.

Choose a “low-code” development tool that is easy to use and anyone can use it.


In this article, we will introduce you to low-code development tools.

“Low-code development tools” are convenient tools that allow you to easily develop systems.
Consider using low-code development tools.



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